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Vol 58(2024) N 1 p. 157-164; DOI 10.1134/S0026893324010059 Full Text

W. Kurdy1, P.V. Zelenikhin1, G.Yu. Yakovleva1, M.N. Sinyagina1, A.I. Kolpakov1, O.N. Ilinskaya1*

The Proteome of Extracellular Membrane Vesicles from Bacillus pumilus 3-19

1Kazan (Volga-Region) Federal University, Kazan, 420008 Russia

Received - 2023-08-01; Revised - 2023-09-06; Accepted - 2023-09-07

Production of extracellular membrane vesicles plays an important role in communication in bacterial populations and in bacteria-host interactions. Vesicles as carriers of various regulatory and signaling molecules may be potentially used as disease biomarkers and promising therapeutic agents, including vaccine preparations. The composition of membrane vesicles has been deciphered for a limited number of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. In this work, for the first time, extracellular membrane vesicles of a streptomycin-resistant strain Bacillus pumilus 3-19, a producer of extracellular guanyl-preferring ribonuclease binase, are isolated, visualized, and characterized by their genome and proteome composition. It has been established that there is no genetic material in the vesicles and the spectrum of the proteins differs depending on the phosphate content in the culture medium of the strain. Vesicles from a phosphate-deficient medium carry 49 unique proteins in comparison with 101 from a medium with the high phosphate content. The two types of vesicles had 140 mutual proteins. Flagellar proteins, RNase J, which is the main enzyme of RNA degradosomes, phosphatases, peptidases, iron transporters, signal peptides, were identified in vesicles. Antibiotic resistance proteins and amyloid-like proteins whose genes are present in B. pumilus 3-19 cells are absent. Phosphate deficiency-induced binase was found only in vesicles from a phosphate-deficient medium.

extracellular membrane vesicles, Bacillus pumilus, genome, proteome, RNase, binase, flagellar proteins, amyloid-like proteins