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Vol 58(2024) N 1 p. 112-122; DOI 10.1134/S002689332401014X Full Text

A.I. Lomovsky1, Y.L. Baburina1, R.S. Fadeev1, M.I. Kobyakova1,2, Ya.V. Lomovskaya1, R.R. Krestinin1, L.D. Sotnikova1, O.V. Krestinina1*

Melatonin Enhances the Effect of ABT-737 in Acute Monocytic Leukemia THP-1 Cells

1Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, Pushchino, Moscow oblast, 142290 Russia
2Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology-Branch of Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630117 Russia

Received - 2023-05-16; Revised - 2023-07-06; Accepted - 2023-07-26

Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine, MEL) is a hormone synthesized by the pineal gland. Due to its oncostatic effect, it can be considered as an antitumor agent and used for combination therapy. ABT-737, a Bcl-2 inhibitor, promotes cell death after treatment with agents that induce pro-apoptotic signals. In the present study, the combined effect of MEL and ABT-737 on changes in proliferative and mitotic activity, mitochondrial membrane potential, intracellular production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and cytosolic Ca2+ was studied. Moreover, changes in the expression of anti- and pro-apoptotic proteins (Bcl-2 and Bax), autophagy markers (LC3A/B (I, II)), endoplasmic reticulum stress markers (chaperones BIP and PDI, CHOP) were studied under these conditions. The effect of MEL together with ABT-737 led to an increase in the level of cytosolic Ca2+, intracellular production of ROS and a decrease in the membrane potential of mitochondria. The content of Bcl-2 increased, while the level of Bax decreased. Activation of CHOP stimulated autophagy and led to a decrease in the synthesis of chaperones BIP and PDI. It is assumed that melatonin can enhance the effect of other chemotherapeutic agents and can be used in the treatment of tumors.

acute monocytic leukemia, THP-1, melatonin (MEL), ABT-737, autophagy, ER-stress