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Vol 58(2024) N 6 p. 1049-1062; DOI 10.1134/S0026893324700559 Full Text

I.S. Sazykin1, M.A. Sazykina1*, A.R. Litsevich1

Distribution of Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Microbial Communities: The Impact of Anthropogenic Pollution

1Ivanovsky Academy of Biology and Biotechnology, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, 344006 Russia

Received - 2024-04-19; Revised - 2024-05-31; Accepted - 2024-06-06

Issues related to the spread of antibiotic resistance genes in environmental microbial communities are considered. "Hotspots" of adaptive evolution, accumulation, and spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and genetic material of antibiotic resistance are highlighted. Such "hotspots" include anthropogenic ecosystems, such as municipal wastewater treatment plants, municipal solid waste landfills, livestock enterprises, and agrocenoses. The influence of various types of pollutants and biotic factors on enhancement of mutagenesis and horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance genes is considered. The role of mobile genetic elements in mobilization and accelerated spread of resistance determinants is shown. Special attention is paid to the role of oxidative stress and stress regulons, which are activated for realization and control of molecular genetic mechanisms of adaptive evolution of bacteria and the horizontal distribution of genetic material in bacterial populations. Oxidative stress is identified as one of the main activators of genome destabilization and adaptive evolution of bacteria.

bacteria, antibiotic resistance genes, horizontal gene transfer, mutagenesis, pollutants, xenobiotics, oxidative stress