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Vol. 9 (1975) N. 2

141-149 I. Fodor, N.I. Matvienko, L.P. Tikhomirova, V.I. Tanyashin, and A.A. Baev "Biological Activity of Different Forms of Phage λ DNA"

150-153 S.M. Kochubei, Т.М. Shadchina, and L.K. Ostrovskaya "Differences in the Structure of Long Wave Fluorescence Molecular Aggregates in Photosystems I and II"

154-161 V.I. Pechenaya and V.I. Danilov "Theoretical Study of the Hypochromism in Dinucleoside Monophosphates"

162-170 A.V. Kulikov, L.A. Syrtsova, G.I. Likhtenshtein, and T.N. Pisarskaya "Investigation of the Nitrogenase of Azotobacter vinelandii by the Method of Spin Labels"

171-175 V.Z. Pletnev, F.A. Kadymova, and E.M. Popov "Theoretical Conformational Analysis of Tripeptides. N-Acetyl-L-Alanyl-L-Alanyl-L-Alaninc Methylamide"

176-181 V.V. Klimov, N.V. Karapetyan, and A.A. Krasnovskii "Effect of the Detergent Triton X-100 on the Photoinduced Changes in the Fluorescence Yield of Chloroplasts"

182-186 A.S. Butorin and S.K. Vasilenko "The Effect of the Chain Length of Dialdehyde Oligonucleotides on Their Rate of Interaction with a Three-Dimensional Matrix of Polyacrylhydrazide Gel"

187-192 N.N. Zhadin and V.L. Rapoport "Spectroscopic Features of Different Types of Acriflavine-DNA Bonds in Ultraviolet and Visible Regions "

193-197 M.A. Staikova, B.D. Stanchev, and Т.К. Nikolov "Changes in the Chemical Composition and Resistance to Denaturation of Murine Spleen Chromatin during Immunogenesis"

198-202 V.N. Kulakov, A.L. Lyubarskii, E.E. Fesenko, and M.V. Vol'kenshtein "Flash Photolysis Studies on the Recombination Kinetics of Hemoproteins with Carbon Monoxide at Low Temperatures"

203-220 A.L. Mazin "Evolution of DNA Structure: Direction, Mechanism, Rate"

221-226 E.L. Barskii, A.Yu. Borisov, M.D. Il'ma, V.D. Samuilov, and Z.G. Fetisova "Determination of Quantum Yield in the Primary Energetic Transformation of Photosynthesis. Communication III. Data on Different Photosynthetic Organisms"

227-237 B.F. Vanyushin and A.P. Dobritsa "Specificity of the Methylation of the Cytosinc Residues in the DNA of Bacillus brevis var. G-B"

238-244 F.A. Savin and Yu.V. Morozov "Electronic Structure of Certain Compounds of the Vitamin В6 Group"

245-249 V.I. Bruskov "The Recognition of Nucleic Acid Bases by Amino Acids and Peptides with the Aid of Hydrogen Bonds"

250-258 R.N. Maslova, E.A. Lesnik, and Ya.M. Varshavskii "Kinetics and Mechanism of the 3H-1Н Exchange in C(8)H Groups of Purine Derivatives"

259-263 G.G. Gauze "CHRONICLES. Structure and Functions of Nucleic Acids (A Joint Soviet-French Symposium)"

264-265 L.L. Kiselev and A.A. Bogdanov "BOOK REVIEWS. M. V. Vol'kenshtein (editor) - Molecular Biology (Reviews of Science and Technology"

266-267 R.S. Nezlin "BOOK REVIEWS. T. Devenyi and J. Gergely - Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins. Biochemical and Immunochemical Techniques in Protein Chemistry"