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Vol. 9 (1975) N. 1

1-3 "Vladimir Aleksandrovich Engelhardt (On His Eightieth Birthday)"

4-13 A.P. Ryskov, D.A. Kramerov, S.A. Limborskaya, and G.P. Georgiev "The Structure of Nuclear Pre-mRNA. VII. Hybridization and Renaturation Properties of Double-Helical Regions of Pre-mRNA"

14-20 A.M. Kolchinskii, A.D. Mirazabekov, A.S. Zasedatelev, G.V. Gurskii, S.L. Grokhovskii, A.L. Zhuze, and B.P. Gottikh "Structure of Complexes of Antibiotics of the Distamycin Type and Actinomycin D with DNA: New Experimental Data on the Location of the Antibiotics within the Narrow Groove of DNA"

21-26 E. Malyguine, F. Chapeville, and A.H. Mehler "Kinetic Studies on Leucyl-tRNA Synthetase: Measurement of the Ratio of Rates of Overall and Exchange Reaction"

27-35 S.M. Dudkin, L.V. Karabashyan, S.N. Borisova, S.V. Shlyapnikov, and M.Ya. Karpeiskii "Physicochemical Properties of Ribonuclease A Modified by Pyridoxal-5'-Phosphate"

36-41 J. Bonnet, D. Kern, and J. P. Ebel "Recognition between tRNA and Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases of Different Specificities"

42-48 V.D. Aksel'rod, V.M. Kryukov, S.N. Isaenko, and A.A. Baev "Primary Structure of tRNA2aVal from Baker's Yeast"

49-53 W. Wintermeyer and H.G. Zachau "Characterization of Fluorescent Derivatives of tRNAРhе by Experiments in the Ribosomal System"

54-60 Yu.V. Kozlov and A.A. Shilov "Transcription of DNA by RNA Polymerase of Е. coli and Calf Thymus"

61-67 P. Shafranski, V. Zagorski, Ya. Khrobochek, and L. Zagorska "Ratio of the Coat Protein to RNA of Bacteriophage f2 in the Translational Repressor Complex"

68-74 N.M. Akimenko, V.L. Teterin, G.R. Khachaturov, Yu.M. Evdokimov, and Ya.M. Varshavskii "The Compact Form of DNA in Solution. II. Features of the Acid Titration of Two-Stranded DNA in Aqueous Salt Solutions Containing Polyethyleneglycol"

75-82 V.B. Zhurkin, Yu.P. Lysov, V.I. Ivanov, and G.G. Malenkov "A Three-Dimensional Model of the DNA-Hydrated Na+ Complex"

83-89 V.Sh. Sheinker and L.L. Kiselev "Modification of Yeast tRNA1Val by Monoperphthalic Acid"

90-96 A.Yu. Misharin, O.L. Polyanovskii, and V.P. Timofeev "Interaction of Spin-Labeled Analogs of Vitamin B6 with the Active Site of Apotransaminase"

97-100 A.M. Kritsyn, S.N. Mikhailov, and V.L. Florent'ev "A New Approach to the Synthesis of Enzyme Inhibitors"

101-107 M.Ya. Timofeeva, G.I. Eisner, and N.S. Kupriyanova "Comparative Investigation of Repetitive Nucleotide Sequences in the DNA of Differentiated Tissues and in Malignant Tissues"

108-112 A.S. Tikhonenko, N.E. Cherni and L.V. Kalakutskii "Self-Organization of Extracellular Tubular Structures of a Nonproteln Nature, Formed by an Actinomycete"

113-118 A.A. Kushch, V.A. Kolesnikov, and A.V. Zelenin "Changes in the Properties of Chromatin of Liver Cells at Early Intervals after Partial Hepatectomy"

119-140 Yu.A. Sharonov and N.A. Sharonova "Structure and Functions of Hemoglobin"