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Vol. 6 (1972) N. 6

641-642 "Fiftieth Anniversary of the Soviet Union"

643-646 B.I. Kurganov, A.I. Dorozhko, and Z.S. Kagan ""Negative Cooperativity" in Models of Regulatory Enzymes with Indirect Cooperativity"

647-652 V.A. Guseinov and V.I. Runov "Characteristics of the Primary Structure of Fungal DNA"

653-659 V.V. Vlasov, M.A. Grachev, N.I. Komarova, S.V. Kuz'min, and N.I. Menzorova "Microscale Ion-Exchange Chromatography and Spectral Analysis of Oligonuclcotides"

660-665 M. F.Subbotina, A.K. Timkovskii, V.M. Chernaenko, S.E. Bresler, and N.S. Tikhomirova-Sidorova "Interaction of Polyriboguanylic and Polyribocytidylic Acids"

666-673 E.I. Zen'kevich, A.P. Losev, and G.P. Gurinovich "Transfer of Energy of Excitation between Molecules of Chlorophyll and Its Analogs Adsorbed by Detergent Micelles"

674-678 V.M. Berzin' and E.Ya. Gren "Transfer RNA and Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases in Cells of E. coli Infected with Phage MS2"

679-687 N.G. Esipova and V.G. Tumanyan "Factors Determining the Formation of the Tertiary Structure of Globular Protein"

688-696 B.S. Sukhareva and A.S. Tikhonenko "Investigation of the Partial Dissociation of Glutamate Decarboxylase of E. coli"

697-702 V.M. Kryukov, S.N. Isaenko, V.D. Aksel'rod, and A.A. Baev "Isolation and Characterization of Valine Transfer Ribonucleic Acids"

703-708 A.T. Karapetyan, V.I. Permogorov, M.D. Frank-Kamenetskii, and Yu.S. Lazurkin "Thermodynamic Studies of DNA-Dye Complexes"

709-715 A.I. Kaivyaryainen, V.P. Timofeev, and M.V. Vol'kenshtein "A Study of the Conformational Properties of Hemoglobin by the Method of Two Paramagnetic Labels"

716-731 M.A. Mokul'skii, K.A. Kapitonova, and T.D. Mokul'skaya "Secondary Structure of Phage T2 DNA"

732-737 A.V.Shugalii, V.F. Manyakov, and A.V. German "Electron Microscopy of Partially Denatured DNA Molecules"

738-743 T.G. Beridze "A Study of the Satellite Components of the Deoxyribonucleic Acids of the Genus Phaseolus"

744-752 E.L. Andronikashvili, D.R. Monaselidze, N.G. Bakradze, and G.M. Mrevlishvili "Construction of Diagrams of State for Solutions of Procollagen"