2023  1,500
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2017  0,977
2016  0,799
2015  0,662
2014  0,740
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2012  0,637
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2006  0,330
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2003  0,567
2002  0,641
2001  0,490
2000  0,477
1999  0,762
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1996  0,518
1995  0,502

Vol. 57 (2023) N. 5


765-792 N.A. Lunina, D.R. Safina, S.V. Kostrov "Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts: Heterogeneity and Bimodality in Oncogenesis"

793-801 K.V. Kopylova, Ed.W. Kasparov, I.V. Marchenko, M.V. Smolnikova "Digital PCR as a Highly Sensitive Diagnostic Tool: A Review"

802-810 N.V. Maluchenko, A.N. Korovina, A.A. Saulina, V.M. Studitsky, A.V. Feofanov "The Role of the WGR Domain in the Functions of PARP1 and PARP2"

Genomics and Transcriptomics

811-815 B.A. Malyarchuk "A Comparative Analysis of Mitochondrial Genome Mutation Spectra in Human Populations"

816-824 A.A. Sheveleva, G.S. Krasnov, A.V. Kudryavtseva, A.V. Snezhkina, E.V. Bulavkina, S.N. Chirkov "Analysis of the Complete Tomato Aspermy Virus Genomes Suggests Reassortment in Russian Isolates from Chrysanthemum"

825-835 A.I. Nadyrova, A.S. Kosnyrev, V.V. Ulyanova, E.V. Dudkina, V.I. Vershinina, O.N. Ilinskaya "Efficiency of Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis Expression Systems for Production of Binase Mutants"

836-842 I.S. Kiselev, O.G. Kulakova, O.A. Baturina, M.R. Kabilov, A.N. Boyko, O.O. Favorova "DNA Methylation Profile of CD14+ Monocytes Changes in Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis"

843-847 N.A. Matveeva, B.V. Titov, E.A. Bazyleva, E.A. Kuchinskaya, M.S. Kozin, A.V. Favorov, A.V. Pevzner, O.O. Favorova "Association of Polymorphic Genome Variants in the 2q32.1 Locus with the Development of Vasovagal Syncope"

Cell Molecular Biology

848-866 L.A. Koval, E.N. Proshkina, N.V. Zemskaya, I.A. Solovev, E.V. Schegoleva, M.V. Shaposhnikov, A.A. Moskalev "Drosophila melanogaster Lifespan Is Regulated by nejire Gene Expression in Peripheral Tissues and Nervous System"

867-875 Y.V. Abalenikhina, A.V. Shchulkin, A.A. Seidkulieva, E.D. Rokunov, F.T. Gadzhieva, E.N. Yakusheva "The Mechanism of Bimodal Effect of DL-Butyonine Sulfoximine on Constitutive Androstane and Pregnane X Receptors In Vitro"

876-884 A.A. Latanova, K.K. Tuchinskaya, E.S. Starodubova, V.L. Karpov "Hepatitis C Virus Nonstructural Protein 3 Increases Secretion of Interleukin-lbeta in HEK293T Cells with a Reconstructed NLRP3 Inflammasome"

885-896 A.V. Morozov, A.V. Burov, S.Yu. Funikov, E.V. Teterina, T.M. Astakhova, P.A. Erokhov, A.A. Ustyugov, V.L. Karpov "Changes in the Activities and Contents of Individual Forms of Proteasomes in Samples of the Cerebral Cortex during Pathology Development in 5xFAD Mice"

897-904 A.V. Burov, S.Yu. Funikov, T.M. Astakhova, E.V. Teterina, V.O. Nebogatikov, P.A. Erokhov, A.A. Ustyugov, V.L. Karpov, A.V. Morozov "Dynamic Changes in the Activities and Contents of Particular Proteasome Forms in the Cerebral Cortex of C57BL/6 Mice during Aging"


905-912 A.V. Kuznetsov, I.Yu. Grishin, D.N. Vtyurina "Spatial Models of Piezo Proteins and Protein-Protein Interaction Networks in Trichoplax Animals (Placozoa)"


913-920 P.A. Ivanov, A.V. Lyashko, S.A. Ionov, D.N. Shcherbinin, I.A. Rudneva, A.A. Shilov, N.I. Bunkova, M.M. Shmarov, T.A. Timofeeva "Latex Agglutination as an Alternative to the Hemagglutination Reaction of Influenza Viruses"