2023  1,500
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2015  0,662
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Vol. 56 (2022) N. 5

Virial Infections: Replication and Pathogenesis Mechanisms to Therapy

629-637 M.V. Golikov, V.T. Valuev-Elliston, O.A. Smirnova, A.V. Ivanov "Physiological Media in Studies of Cell Metabolism"

638-648 T.A. Seregina, K.V. Lobanov, R.S. Shakulov, A.S. Mironov "Enhancement of the Bactericidal Effect of Antibiotics by Inhibition of Enzymes Involved in Production of Hydrogen Sulfide in Bacteria"

649-667 D.V. Avdoshina, A.S. Kondrashova, M.G. Belikova, E.O. Bayurova "Murine Models of Chronic Viral Infections and Associated Cancers"

668-683 G.R. Vinogradskaya, A.V. Ivanov, A.A Kushch "Mechanisms of Survival of Cytomegalovirus-Infected Tumor Cells"

684-695 P.O. Vorobyev, F.E. Babaeva, A.V. Panova, J. Shakiba, S.K. Kravchenko, A.V. Soboleva, A.V. Lipatova "Oncolytic Viruses in the Therapy of Lymphoproliferative Diseases"

696-704 V.A. Mitkevich, I.Yu. Petrushanko, M.G. Engelhardt, O.I. Kechko, A.A. Makarov "Combination of RNase Binase and AKT1/2 Kinase Inhibitor Blocks Two Alternative Survival Pathways in Kasumi-1 Cells"

705-712 D.V. Glazkova, E.V. Bogoslovskaya, F.A. Urusov, N.P. Kartashova, E.A. Glubokova, A.V. Gracheva, E.B. Faizuloev, G.V. Trunova, V.A. Khokhlova, O.A. Bezborodova, A.A. Pankratov, I.A. Leneva, G.A. Shipulin "Generation of SARS-CoV-2 Mouse Model by Transient Expression of the Human ACE2 Gene Mediated by Intranasal Administration of AAV-hACE2"

713-722 S.A. Brezgin, A.P. Kostyusheva, N.I. Ponomareva, V.I. Gegechkori, N.P. Kirdyashkina, S.R. Ayvasyan, L.N. Dmitrieva, L.N. Kokoreva, V.P. Chulanov, D.S. Kostyushev "HBx Protein Potentiates Hepatitis B Virus Reactivation"

723-734 N.F. Zakirova, A.S. Kondrashova, M.V. Golikov, O.N. Ivanova, A.V. Ivanov, M. G. Isaguliants, E.O. Bayurova "Expression of HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase in Murine Cancer Cells Increases Mitochondrial Respiration"


735-755 E.S. Pshennikova, A.S. Voronina "Dormancy: There and Back Again"

756-769 K.A. Ivanenko, V.S. Prassolov, E.R. Khabusheva "Transcription Factor Sp1 in the Expression of Genes Encoding Components of MAPK, JAK/STAT, and PI3K/Akt Signaling Pathways"

Cell Molecular Biology

770-779 G.M. Yusubalieva, E.B. Dashinimaev, A.A. Gorchakov, S.V. Kulemzin, O.A. Brovkina, A.A. Kalinkin, A.G. Vinokurov, M.V. Shirmanova, V.P. Baklaushev "Enhanced Natural Killers with CISH and B2M Gene Knockouts Reveal Increased Cytotoxicity in Glioblastoma Primary Cultures" (SUPPL)


780-799 D.O. Fesenko, I.D. Ivanovsky, P.L. Ivanov, E.Yu. Zemskova, A.S. Agapitova, S.A. Polyakov, O.E. Fesenko, M.A. Filippova, A.S. Zasedatelev "A Biochip for Genotyping Polymorphisms Associated with Eye, Hair, Skin Color, AB0 Blood Group, Sex, Y Chromosome Core Haplogroup, and Its Application to Study the Slavic Population"