813-819 P.A. Kamenski, I.A. Krasheninnikov, I. Tarassov "40 Years of Studying RNA Import into Mitochondria: From Basic Mechanisms to Gene Therapy Strategies"
820-837 S.A. Grigoryev, E.Y. Popova "Attraction of Likenesses: Mechanisms of Self-Association and Compartmentalization of Eukaryotic Chromatin"
838-849 A.N. Bogomazova, A.V. Eremeev, G.E. Pozmogova, M.A. Lagarkova "The Role of Mutant RNA in the Pathogenesis of Huntington's Disease and Other Polyglutamine Diseases"
850-861 T.S. Kalebina, V.V. Rekstina "Molecular Organization of Yeast Cell Envelope"
862-875 N.A. Lomov, V.S. Viushkov, A.P. Petrenko, M.S. Syrkina, M.A. Rubtsov "Methods of Evaluating the Efficiency of CRISPR/Cas Genome Editing"
876-888 Yu.V. Maleeva, K.V. Neverov, Yu.N. Obukhov, M.S. Kritsky "Water Soluble Chlorophyll-Binding Proteins of Plants: Structure, Properties and Functions"
889-895 A.V. Belyavsky "Niches of Hematopoietic Stem Cells in Bone Marrow"
896-903 S.A. Kozin, A.A. Makarov "The Convergence of Alzheimer's Disease Pathogenesis Concepts"
Cell Molecular Biology
904-911 D.S. Karpov, Yu.P. Lysov, V.L. Karpov "Evolution of the System of Coordinate Regulation of Proteasomal Gene Expression in the Yeast Class Saccharomycetes"
912-921 E.V. Nizovtseva, Y.S. Polikanov, O.I. Kulaeva, N. Clauvelin, Y.V. Postnikov, W.K. Olson, V.M. Studitsky "Opposite Effects of Histone H1 and HMGN5 Protein on Distant Interactions in Chromatin"
Structural-Functional Analysis of Biopolymers and Their Complexes
922-928 S.P. Radko, S.A. Khmeleva, Y.Y. Kiseleva, S.A. Kozin, V.A. Mitkevich, A.A. Makarov "Effects of the H6R and D7H Mutations on the Heparin-Dependent Modulation of Zinc-Induced Aggregation of Amyloid β"