525-531 A. Sobota and R.N. Etingof "The Interaction of Rhodopsin with Nucleotides"
532-542 G.M. Lipkind and E.M. Popov "Conformational States of Amino Acid Residues in Proteins. Side Chains"
543-550 K.G. Gazaryan, V.A. Lipasova, G.I. Kir'yanov, T.G. Anan'yants, and N.G. Ermakova "Study of Rapidly Metabolizing Nuclear-Specific RNA of Animal Cells"
551-556 E.V. Frisman, E.B. D'yakova, L.V. Shchagina, and D. Rikhter "The Effect of Ionic Strength and Temperature on the Conformation of Ribosomal RNA from E. coli"
557-566 V.A. Shuvalov and A.A. Krasnovskii "The Luminescence of Zinc-Porphyrins in Microorganisms and Plants: Phosphorescence and Delayed Fluorescence"
567-572 V.A. Samokish, E.V. Anufrieva, and M.V. Vol'kenshtein "Spectroscopic Investigation of the Interaction of α-Chymotrypsin with Proflavin"
573-579 P.L. Privalov and N.N. Khechinashvili "Calorimetric Investigation of Thermal Denaturation of Chymotrypsinogen"
580-586 L.A. Syrtsova, L.A. Levchenko, E.N. Frolov, G.I. Likhtenshtein, T.N. Pisarskaya, L.V. Vorob'ev, and V.A. Gromoglasova "Structure and Function of Nitrogenase Components in Azotobacter vinelandii"
587-594 Yu.P. Semenkov, S.V. Kirillov, V.I. Makhno, A.L. Shvartsman, and S.E. Bresler "Binding of Synthetic Peptidyl-tRNA to the Ribosomes and Enzymatic Synthesis of the Polypeptide Chain"
595-602 L.N. Grigorov, V.D. Zhivotchenko, S.M. Remennikov, L.B. Rubin, and A.B. Rubin "Study of Ectothiorhodospira shaposhnikovii bitracellular Cytochrome Oxidation Reactions Induced by Ruby Laser Flashes"
603-612 E.M. Sorokin and L.A. Tumerman "Cooperative Character of the Interaction of the Two Photochemical Photosynthetic Systems"
613-617 A.V. Shugalii, M.D. Frank-Kamenetskii, and Yu.S. Lazurkin "Block Heterogeneity of DNA from Calf Thymus and E. coli"
618-623 Yu.L. Lyubchenko, E.N. Trifonov, Yu.S. Lazurkin, and M.D. Frank-Kamenetskii "Detection of Low-Melting Sites in the Phage T2 DNA Molecule"
624-631 V.M. Zaides, A.G. Bukrinskaya, and V.M. Zhdanov "Buoyant Density of Ribosomes of Cytoplasmic Extracts of Mouse and Chick Cells"
632-638 Yu.V. Kozlov and G.P. Georgiev "Regulation of Messenger RNA Biosynthesis in Animal Cells. 3. Mechanism of Inhibition of RNA Synthesis by Chromatin Proteins"
639-641 Zh.G. Shmerling "CHRONICLES. Genetic Functions of Cytoplasmic Organelles"