397-404 V.G. Tumanyan "The Structure of Collagen"
405-411 A.Yu. Borisov and Z.G. Fetisova "Studies of Resonance Energy Migration in a Heterogeneous Pigment Complex. I. Heterogeneity as a Factor Accelerating the Localization of Electron Excitation in Traps"
412-418 L.B. Rubin and V.N. Dubrovin "Light Intensity as Regulator of Photoinduced Conversions in Cytochromes during Photosynthesis in Ectothiorhodospira shaposhnikovii"
419-430 I. Feldesh, I. Mol'nar, and V. Gaal "The Mechanism of Transfection. Kinetics and Nature of B. subtilis Transfection by Phage SP-50 Desoxyribonucleic Acid"
431-440 E.I. Golub, G.G. Orlova, V.N. Reshetnikova, and V.I. Zvenlgorodskii "Depression of Prophage Genes as the Cause of Phage Conversion"
441-449 B.N. Gol'dshtein and M.V. Vol'kenshtein "Cooperativity in Two-Substrate Reactions"
450-458 N.Z. Namoradze and Т.М. Birshtein "The Helix-Coil Transition in Heterogeneous Macromolecules"
459-465 A.V. Borodavkin, M.Ya. Karpeiskii, and Yu.V. Morozov "Mechanism of the Photochemical Reaction of Aspartate Aminotransferase"
466-472 P.Juhasz, S.A. Limborskaya, L.N. Anan'eva, Yu.V. Kozlov, and G.P. Georgiev "Regulation of the Biosynthesis of Messenger RNA in the Animal Cell. II. Effect of Phased Removal of Proteins from Deoxynucleoprotein of Chromatin on Its Template Properties"
473-480 E.I. Ramm, S.N. Borkhsenius, V.I. Vorob'ev, Т.М. Birshtein, I. A. Bolotina, and M.V. Vol'kenshtein "The Structure of Histone and DNA Studies by the Circular Dichroism Method"
481-487 I.N. Serdyuk, E.I. Tiktopulo, and P.L. Privalov "Light Scattering Studies on Tropocollagen Solutions"
488-495 I.M. Andreev, G.G. Malenkov, A.M. Shkrob, and M.M. Shemyakin "Conductometric Investigations on Complexes Formed by Cyclic Depsipeptides and Peptides with Alkali Metal Ions"
496-505 E.M. Popov and G.M. Lipkind "Conformational States of Aminoacyl Residues of Proteins. Main Polypeptide Chain"
506-509 A.V. Shugalii, M.D. Frank-Kamenetskii, and Yu.S. Lazurkin "Determination of Average Helical-Segment Length in T2 Phage DNA over the Helix-Random-Coil Transition Range"
510-523 N.A. Kiselev, F.Ya. Lerner, and N.B. Livanova "Electron Microscopy of Muscle Phosphorylase В"