275-277 I.V. Berezin and K. Martinek "Kinetic Regularities of the Reversible Influence of Effector on a Two-Stage Enzymatic Reaction "
278-286 K. Martinek, S.D. Varfolomeev, A.V. Levashov, and I.V. Berezin "Kinetic Manifestations of the Structure of the Active Center of α-Chymotrypsin on Interacting with Fragments of Specific Substrates"
287-290 D.G. Knorre and E.G. Malygin "Kinetic Equations for ATP-Pyrophosphate Exchange Catalyzed by Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase"
291-298 F. Lang, L.M. Vorob'eva, and A.A. Krasnovskii "Chlorophyll Production and the Formation of Chloroplasts in Greening Leaves of Normal and Mutant Corn Plants"
299-306 L.S. Pressman and G.G. Shamovskii "Interaction of Poly A Acetylated at the Ribose 2'-Hydroxy Groups with Nitrous Acid"
307-311 G.I. Burd, T.N. Bol'shakova, T.P. Saprykina, V.V. Klyucheva, and V.N. Gershanovich "Reduction in Biosynthesis Rate for RNA and Protein in a Thermosensitive E. coli K12 Mutant Defective in the Roseman Phosphotransferase System"
312-318 A.M. Skvortsov, T.M. Birshtein, and A.O. Zalenskii "Calculation of the Thermodynamic Characteristics of the α-Helix in Solution by the Monte Carlo Method"
319-326 L.G. Erokhina and A.A. Krasnovskii "The Effects of Denaturing Agents on the Spectral Properties of Phycocyanin"
327-331 P.Ya. Boikov and L.L. Gumanov "Interaction between Phage T4B DNA and Membrane Structures of the Cell"
332-335 B.F. Sukhomlinov and S.V. Konoshenko "Study of the N-Terminal Sequence of Hemoglobin of the Fox Vulpes vulpes"
336-341 S.N. Trubitsin, A.N. Surovaya, and O.F. Borisova "Energy Migration between Dye Molecules Adsorbed on tRNA"
342-346 M.A. Nesmeyanova and M.B. Garber "Isolation of an "Additional" Structural Protein from Escherichia coli Ribosomes by Gel Filtration at a High Ionic Strength"
347-356 A.S. Girshovich, M.A. Grachev, and D.G. Knorre "Intramolecular Inhibition of the Reaction of tRNA with CME-Carbodiimide"
357-364 M.I. Mekshenkov and R.D. Guseinov "Interruption of the Phage T4 Chromosome Transfer into the Cell, Cyclic Permutations of Genes, and Infective Activity of the Fragmented Genome"
365-370 V.I. Poltev, R.V. Polozov, and B.I. Sukhorukhov "Semiempirical Calculation of Intramolecular Interactions of DNA-Like Polynucleotides Containing Unusual Nitrogenous Bases"
371-375 E.A. Saburova, D.S. Markovich, and M.V. Vol'kenshtein "Thermal Stability of Myoglobin and Its Derivatives"
376-379 Yu.I. Kozlov, V.G. Debabov, and I.A. Sladkova "The Participation of Protein Cross Links in the Aggregation of Deoxyribonucleoprotein Complexes"
380-385 O.A. Sinegub and Yu.E. Erokhin "The Effect of pH, Ionic Strength, and Oxidizing Agents on Bacteriochlorophyll in Chromatium minutissimum"
386-391 L.P. Shershneva and T.V. Venkstern "Enzymatic Synthesis of Certain Dinucleoside Monophosphates and Their Cleavage by Snake Venom Phosphodiesterase"
392-395 F.Yu. Ryshka, G.A. Kogan, and M.I. Struchkova "Application of Optical Rotatory Dispersion to the Study of Pituitary Protein Hormones"