133-144 V.I. Vorob'ev, M.I. Dranitskaya, A.A. Lev, A.I. Matveeva, and L.V. Shchagina "Investigation of the State of Low Molecular Weight Salt Components in Biopolymer Solutions. I. Activity Coefficients of Sodium and Chlorine Ions and Mean Activity Coefficients of Sodium Chloride in Native and Denatured DNA Solutions"
145-153 A.A. Lev, L.V. Shchagina, and M. I. Dranitskaya "Investigation of the State of Low-Molecular Weight Salt Components in Biopolymer Solutions. II. Electrochemical Criteria of Isoionicity of Solvents in Determining the Characteristic Viscosity of DNA"
154-158 A.V. Levashov, K. Martinek, Z.A. Strel'tsova, E.A. Shashkova, and I.V. Berezin "Noncovalent Bonding of the Competitive Inhibitor α-Naphthol to α-Chymotrypsin"
159-167 A.M. El'yashevich and A.M. Skvortsov "A Study of the Conformational Properties of Polymeric Chains of Differing Rigidity by the Monte-Carlo Method"
168-176 M.N. Ivkova, N.S. Vedenkina, and E.A. Burshtein "Fluorescence of Tryptophan Residues in Serum Albumin"
177-182 S.V. Kol'tsova, M.V. Glikina, N.G. Illarionova, and G.V. Samsonov "The Formation of Water-Soluble Trypsin-Polymethacrylic Acid Complexes"
183-187 A.E. Kister, V.G. Dashevskii, and A.I. Kitaigorodskii "Calculations of Nucleoside Conformations"
188-193 V.M. Andreev and E.M. Gonikberg "DNA Replication and Phage T4 Formation in Infected Cells of Escherichia coli with Preaccumulated Phage DNA"
194-198 A.S. Zasedatelev, G.V. Gurskii, and M.V. Vol'kenshtein. "Theory of One-Dimensional Adsorption. I. Adsorption of Small Molecules on a Homopolymer"
199-204 R.Sh. Bibilashvili and L.P. Savochkina "Distribution of RNA Polymerase and Its Complex with DNA in Diphase Dextran - Polyethylene Glycol System"
205-209 V.A. Pospelov and V.L. Knorre "Effect of Basic Proteins on Template Activity of Polyribonucleotides in the RNA-Polymerase System of Escherichia coli"
210-214 R.К. Ledneva, N.N, Preobrazhenskaya, Z.A. Shabarova, and M.A. Prokof'ev "Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Aryl and Alkylamides of Uridine-5'-monophosphate"
215-222 S.R. Umanskii, V.I. Tokarskaya, R.N. Zotova, and V. L. Migushina "Isolation and Heterogenity of Nonhistone Proteins of the Rat Liver Chromatin"
223-231 T.B. Kazakova, M.M. Gachava, and N.A. Chebotar' "The Regulatory Function of Mitochondrial Membranes and Proteins in RNA Biosynthesis on a Template of Mitochondrial DNA"
232-240 M.I. Bystrova and A.A. Krasnovskii "Photochemical Properties of Various Types of Aggregated Forms of Chlorophyll a and Bacterioviridin"
241-252 B.S. Sukhareva and A.E. Braunshtein "Investigation of the Nature of the Interactions of Glutamate Decarboxylase from Escherichia coli with the Substrate and Its Analogs"
253-255 A.M. Mikhailov and N.N. Belyaeva "Determination of the Helical Parameters of Biological Objects"
256-260 V.L. Mant'eva, E.R. Avakyan, and G.P. Georgiev "The Structure of Nuclear D-RNA. I. The Nature of the Conversions of Newly Formed D-RNA under the Action of an Actinomycin Block"
261-265 V.I. Vorob'ev and Т.М. Birshtein "Relationship between the Primary and Secondary Structure of Histones. I. Analysis of the Primary Structure of Histone f2al
266-272 Charles Coutelle, A.P. Ryskov, and G.P. Georgiev "The Structure of Nuclear D-RNA. II. Localization of True mRNA near the З'-End of the Nuclear Precursor"
273-274 R.B. Khesin "OBITUARIES. Boris Vasil'evich Kedrovskii (May 30, 1898-October 19, 1970)"