641-651 A.Yu. Borisov, E.N. Kondrat'eva, V.D. Samuilov, and V.P. Skulachev "Interrelationship between the Photoreductton of NAD and Phosphorylation in Chromatophores of Rhodospirillum rubrum"
652-656 M.D. Yatsyuk and P.M. Onishchenko "The Effects of Temperature on Changes in the Dielectric and Monomolecular Properties of Human Serum Albumin"
657-662 N.I. Grineva, D.G. Knorre, and V.A. Kurbatov "Specificity of Alkylation of Transfer RNA by 4-(N-2-Chloroethyl-N-Methylamino)-Benzaldehyde"
663-671 Yu.V. II'in, A.Ya. VarshavsKi, and G.P. Georgiev "Structure of Deoxyribonucleoproteins of Chromatin. 3. Investigation of DNP Heterogeneity with the Aid of Equilibrium Ultracentrifugation in CsCl Density Gradient"
672-679 L.V. Abaturov, F.V. Shmakova, and Ya.M. Varshavskii "Investigation of Structural Characteristics of Native and Chemically Modified Egg Albumin by Methods of Isotopic Hydrogen Exchange and Infrared Spectroscopy"
680-685 V.P. Shcherbakov, E.F. Illarionov, N.A. Shevchenko, and L.L. Gumanov "Detection of the Protein Coded by the rll Gene of T4 Phage by the Method of Electrophoresis in a Concentration Gradient of Polyacrylamide Gel"
686-695 A.N. Luganskaya and A.A. Krasnovskii "Investigation of the Mechanism of Redox Reactions in the Presence or Oxygen Photosensitized by Chlorophyll"
696-700 Yu.M. Torchinskii and G.A. Kogan "Optical Rotatory Dispersion of Aspartate Transaminase in the Far Ultraviolet and Visible Regions"
701-708 V.I. Ivanov and V.L. Florent'ev "RNA Polymerase: A Two-Step Mechanism with Overlapping Steps"
709-718 V.A. Gvozdev, V.Ya. Birshtein, and L.Z. Faizullin "Gene-Dependent Regulation of the Formation of 6-Phosphogluconate Dehydrogenase in Drosophilia melanogaster"
719-729 M.S. Odintsova, E. Mikul'ska, and M.S. Turishcheva "Electron Microscopic Study of DNA in Chloroplasts and Mitochondria of Peas"
730-734 N.P. Bazhulina, A.Ya. Lomakin, Yu.V. Morozov, F.A. Savin, L.P. Cherkashina, M.Ya. Karpeiskii and V.L. Florent'ev "Absorption Properties of Pyridoxal, Pyridoxal-5'-Phosphate and 5'-Deoxypyridoxal"
735-744 O.V. Rokhlin, T.I. Vengerova, and R.S. Nezlin "Identification and Quantitative Characteristics of Genetic Variants of the Light Chains of Rat Immunoglobulins"
745-752 O.A. Goryukhina, A.A. Myul'berg, and S.B. Ivanova "The Interaction of Soluble Deoxyribonucleoprotein with Different Histone Fractions"