119-121 "Lenin and Natural Science (On the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of V. I. Lenin)"
122-134 V.G. Nikiforov "RNA Polymerase of a Thermophilic Strain of Bacillus megaterium: A Study of Initiation of RNA Synthesis"
135-141 A.I. Kipper, L.V. Dmitrenko, О.В. Ptitsyn, and Zh.S. Sogomonyants "Intramolecular Salt Bonds in a Synthetic Polyampholyte - Copolymer of 2-Methyl-5-vinylpyridine and Methacrylic Acid"
142-146 S.L. Aksentsev, G.D. Nisenbaum, S.V. Konev, and I.M. Okun' "Investigation of the Conformational Heterogeneity of Native Proteins by Photochemiluminescence"
147-155 S.E. Bresler, R.A. Graevskaya, L.A. Meremaa, and E.M. Saminskii "Synthesis of Polylysine in a Cell-Free System from Escherichia coli"
156-159 V.V. Vlasov, N.I. Grineva, V.F. Zarytova, and D.G. Knorre "The Effectiveness of Acetals of 4-(N-2-Chloroethyl-N-methylamino)benzaldehyde Derivatives of Oligonucleotides in the Alkylation of Transfer RNA"
160-166 S.K. Vasilenko, F.F. Dimitrova, L.V. Obukhova, V.F. Podgornyi, and N.A. Serbo "Fractionation of Valine-Acceptor mRNAs from Baker's Yeast"
167-171 N.A. Simukova and E.I. Budovskii "Electrophoresis of Polynucleotides in Polyacrylamide Gel"
172-175 V.I. Permogorov and V.D. Vasil'ev "Investigation of Ribosome Structure in E. coli by Proflavin Binding"
176-183 A.E. Berman, N.P. Lebkova, V.A. Artamonova, and I.B. Zbarskii "Differences between Condensed and Diffuse Chromatin in Normal and Malignant Cells"
184-190 "Dissociation of Animal-Cell Monoribosomes"
191-195 V.K. Antonov, T.I. Vorotyntseva, and G.A Kogan "Kinetics of the Irreversible Thermal Denaturation of Chymotrypsin: Comparative Stabilities of Protein Globule and Adsorptive Section of Enzyme Active Center"
196-204 G.P. Georgiev, Yu.V. Il'in, A.S. Tikhonenko, and V.Ya. Stel'mashchuk "Structure of Chromatin Deoxynucleoproteins. 1. Isolation of Soluble DNP by Treatment with Urea and Properties of Preparation"
205-212 Yu.M. Torchinskii and N.I. Sinitsyna "Reactivity and Role of Sulfhydryl Groups in Aspartate Transaminase from the Pig Heart"
213-220 A.L. Mazin, G.E. Sulimova, and B.F. Vanyushin "Thermal Fractionation of DNA According to Base Composition"
221-227 A.V. Shugalin, M.D. Frank-Kamonetskii, and Yu.S. Lazurkin "Viscosimetric Investigation of Block Heterogeneity of DNA"
228-233 E.S. Gromova, B.V. Tyaglov, N.I. Sokolova, and Z.A. Shabarova "Study of the Secondary Structure of Desoxythymidyl-(3'-5')-adenosine and Its Amides"
234-242 E.E. Minyat, O.F. Borisova, M.V. Vol'kenshtein, and G.P. Georgiev "Structure of Chromatin Desoxynucleoproteins. 2. Investigation of Nucleotide Composition of Free DNA Segments in Desoxynucleoproteins"