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Vol. 37 (2003) N. 1

1-1 I.S. Kulaev "Several Words about Garri Izrailevich Abelev on His Jubilee"

2-8 G.I. Abelev "Differentiation Antigens: Dependence on Carcinogenesis Mechanisms and Tumor Progression (A Hypothesis)"

9-13 L.L. Kisselev "Selected Publications by G. I. Abelev, with Comment"

14-18 E.S. Levina ""People Should Contact by Their Positive Poles ...""

On His 70th Birthday

19-25 Yu.V. Ilyin, S.V. Razin, A.P. Ryskov "Georgii Pavlovich Georgiev"

26-30 "Chronology of Selected Works by G.P. Georgiev (CHOSEN FROM THE TOTAL OF OVER 400)"


31-36 I.A. Rudneva, N.A. Il'yushina, A.A. Shilov, N.L. Varich, B.V. Sinitsyn, E.A. Kropotkina, N.V. Kaverin "Functional Interactions of the Influenza Virus Glycoproteins"

37-48 S.N. Shchelkunov "Immunomodulatory Proteins of Orthopoxviruses"

Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics.

49-51 A.G. Nikitin, N.M. Gorashko, L.O. Minushkina, O.Yu. Kudryashova, D.A. Zateishchikov, B.A. Sidorenko, V.V. Nosikov "Association of the G7831A Polymorphism of the АСЕ Gene with Coronary Heart Disease in Muscovites"

52-55 N.B. Babunova, L.O. Minushkina, D.A. Zateishchikov, B.A. Sidorenko, V.V. Nosikov "Association of the Т174М and М235Т Polymorphisms of the Angiotensinogen Gene with Coronary Heart Disease in Ethnic Russians from Moscow"

56-61 G.F. Korytina, T.V. Viktorova, T.E. Ivashchenko, V.S. Baranov, E.K. Khusnutdinova "The Mutation Spectrum of the i>CFTR Gene in Cystic Fibrosis Patients from Bashkortostan"

62-66 M.V. Alfimova, V.E. Golimbet, N.G. Mityushina "G.F. Korytina, T.V. Viktorova, T.E. Ivashchenko, V.S. Baranov, E.K. Khusnutdinova"

67-73 J.A. Loginova, I.I. Nagornaya, S.A. Shlikova, L.I. Petrova, M.V. Ribakova, T.V. Kuznetsova, V.S. Baranov "Molecular Genetic Analysis of Y-Chromosome Microdeletions in Men with Severe "

74-80 M.O. Agaphonov, A.V. Deev, S.-Y. Kim, J.-H. Sohn, E.-S. Choi, M.D. Ter-Avanesyan "A Novel Approach to Isolation and Functional Characterization of Genomic DNA Sequences from the Methylotrophic Yeast Hansenula poiymorpha"


81-88 R.N. Tchuraev, A.V. Galimzyanov "On Parametric Stability of Gene Networks Controlling Ontogenetic Processes"

Cell Molecular Biology

89-101 Yu.P. Knyazev, Yu.V. Cheburkin, K. Spikermann, S. Peter, G. Jenster, K.H. Bangma, M.I. Karelin, M.I. Shkolnik, A.I. Urbanskii, V.I. Evtushenko, A. Ullrich, P.G. Knyazev "The cDNA Microarray Profiling of Protein Kinases and Phosphatases: Molecular Portrait of Human Prostate Carcinomas"

102-109 A.A. Morgunkova, V.P. Almazov, S.M. Strunina, B.P. Kopnin, P.M. Chumakov "Dominant-Negative Inactivation of p53: The Effect of the Proportion between a Trans-Dominant Inhibitor and Its Target"

Molecular Mechanisms of Biological Processes

110-115 N.G. Soboleva, V.I. Makhno, A.L. Konevega, Yu.P. Semenkov, V.I. Katunin "The Effect of Modification of Nucleotide-37 on the Interaction of Aminoacyl-"

116-124 V.V. Zinoviev, A.A. Evdokimov, E.G. Malygin "DNA-[N4-Cytosine]-Methyltransferase from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens: Mechanism of Action Derived from Steady-State Kinetics"

125-131 I.E. Deyev, S.V. Zhenilo, O.L. Polanovsky "Spliced oct-1 mRNA Isoforms with Untranslated Exons and a Partly Deleted Region Coding for the POU-Specific Domain"

132-139 N.A. Demeshkina, E.S. Laletina, M.I. Meschaninova, M.N. Repkova, A.G. Ven'yaminova, D.M. Graifer, G.G. Karpova "The mRNA Codon Environment at the P and E Sites of Human Ribosomes Deduced from Photocrosslinking with pUUUGUU Derivatives"

140-147 V. Lunyak, R. Burgess, L. Noskin, N. Giliano "Use of Modified Chromosomal Immunoprecipitation for Isolation of Actively Transcribed Loci"

Structural-Functional Analysis of Biopolymers and Their Complexes

148-155 L.N. Drozdov-Tikhomirov, D.M. Linde, V.V. Poroikov, A.A. Alexandrov, G.I. Skurida, P.V. Kovalev, V.Yu. Potapov "V. Lunyak, R. Burgess, L. Noskin, N. Giliano"