2023  1,500
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2017  0,977
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2015  0,662
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2001  0,490
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1999  0,762
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1997  0,507
1996  0,518
1995  0,502

Vol. 36 (2002) N. 2

141-142 L. Kisselev "Preface"

Modern problems of molecular genetics

143-152 V.G. Nikiforov "The RNA Polymerase Structure-Function Study (1962-2001)"

153-159 A.S. Spirin "RNA Polymerase As a Molecular Machine"

160-170 S.Z. Mindlin, I.A. Bass, E.S. Bogdanova, Zh.M. Gorlenko, E.S. Kalyaeva, M.A. Petrova, V.G. Nikiforov "Horizontal Transfer of Mercury Resistance Genes in Environmental Bacterial Populations"

171-179 T.S. Ilyina, Yu.M. Romanova "Bacterial Genomic Islands: Organization, Function, and Evolutionary Role"

180-188 A.A. Aravin. M.S. Klenov. V.V. Vagin. Ya.M. Rozovskii. V.A. Gvozdev "Role of Double-Stranded RNA in Eukaryotic Gene Silencing"

189-195 B.A. Leibovitch "Chromatin Structure, Heterochromatin, and Transposable Genetic Elements: Are These Teammates?"

196-201 N.P. Kovalevskaya "Mobile Gene Cassettes and Integrons"

202-208 S.G. Inge-Vechtomov "A Possible Role of Translation Ambiguity in Gene Evolution (A Hypothesis)"

209-215 V.V. Velkov "New Insights into the Molecular Mechanisms of Evolution: Stress Increases Genetic Diversity"

216-222 V.I. Agol "Genome Instability in Picornaviruses"

223-231 D. Chiobanu, I.A. Roudykh, N.L. Ryabinina, V.V. Grechko, D.A. Kramerov, I.S. Darevsky "Reticulate Evolution of Parthenospecies of the Lacertidae Rock Lizards: Inheritance of CLsat Tandem Repeats and Anonymous RAPD Markers"

232-235 M.D. Frank-Kamenetskii "Biophysics of the DNA Molecule: A New Trend"

236-238 O.V. Krupnik, N.V. Fadeeva, Yu.S. Lazurkin "Polymorphism of PNA-DNA Complexes"

239-243 E.N. Trifonov, I.N. Berezovsky "Proteomic Code"

244-250 A.B. Chetverin, H.V. Chetverina "Accurate Diagnostics with the Use of Molecular Colonies"

251-258 N.B. Varshaver "Development of Mammalian Somatic Cell Genetics"

259-266 M.D. Golubovsky "Genome Inconstancy by Roman B. Khesin in Terms of the Conceptual History of Genetics"

267-279 S.M. Mirkin "Thinking of R.B. Khesin"

280-280 Yu.S. Lazurkin "Recollections"