2023  1,500
2022  1,200
2021  1,540
2020  1,374
2019  1,023
2018  0,932
2017  0,977
2016  0,799
2015  0,662
2014  0,740
2013  0,739
2012  0,637
2011  0,658
2010  0,654
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2008  0,849
2007  0,805
2006  0,330
2005  0,435
2004  0,623
2003  0,567
2002  0,641
2001  0,490
2000  0,477
1999  0,762
1998  0,785
1997  0,507
1996  0,518
1995  0,502

Vol. 34 (2000) N. 5

Ten Years of the Institute of Gene Biology

613-616 G.P. Georgiev, E.M. Lukanidin "The Mts1 protein and control of tumor metastasis"

617-621 O.V. Iarovaia, L.P. Sashchenko, N.V. Gnuchev, S.V. Razin "Mixed cultures of eukaryotic cells: Cytotoxic processes"

622-627 L.I. Korochkin "Molecular-genetic mechanisms regulating tissue-specific expression of the drosophila estS gene"

628-636 P.G. Georgiev, L.S. Melnikova, T.G. Kan, O.I. Kravchuk, S.S. Mikhailovskii, M.Yu. Savitskii "Different mechanisms of telomere length regulation"

637-647 N.S. Kupriyanova "Conservation and variation of ribosomal DNA in eukaryotes"

648-651 I.V. Korobko, E.V. Korobko, G.P. Georgiev, S.L. Kiselev "Stromal cells paracrinously regulate the c-met transcript in VMR tumor cells of different in metastatic potential"

652-654 E.N. Nabirochkina, A.V. Ivanov, A.V. Soldatov "Millimolar concentrations of methylmethanesulfonate enhance transcription from the cytomegalovirus early promoter at least 100-fold"

655-661 A.S. Smirnov, A.V. Budanov, A.S. Ruzov, A.V. Ivanov, A.V. Prokhorchuk, N.V. Gnuchev, E.B. Prokhorchuk "A high constitutive level of NF-κB is necessary for the viability of mouse adenocarcinoma cells: A possible role of p53"

662-666 E.N. Nabirochkina, A.V. Soldatov, S.G. Georgieva "Molecular characterization of two new Drosophila melanogaster homologs of human TAFII30"

667-672 S.G. Georgieva, E.N. Nabirochkina, P.G. Georgiev, Yu.B. Shvarts, A.V. Soldatov "In vivo analysis of the Drosophila melanogaster e(y)1/TAFII40 gene"

673-679 N.N. Rybtsova, E.S. Zelentsova, G.T. Lezin, M.B. Evgen'ev, L.I. Korochkin "Comparison of the structure and embryonic expression of Delta in Drosophila virilis and D. melanogaster"

680-683 F.K. Khasanov, V.I. Bashkirov "DNA amplification occurs between the core region of replication ori+ of the ts plasmid integrated in the chromosome and its analog in the bacterial genome"

684-690 E.L. Grishchuk, D.Yu. Frolov, G.V. Savchenko "Overexpression of apc10+ in fission yeast can suppress the temperature sensitivity of nuc2-663 mutant but not its sterility"

691-695 L.P. Sashchenko. E.A. Dukhanina. T.I. Luk'yanova. O.D. Kabanova. E.A. Romanova. Yu.V. Shatalov. D.V. Yashin. N.V. Gnuchev "Molecular mechanisms of cytolysis induced by human lymphokine-activated killer cells"

696-701 E.S. Ioudinkova, S.V. Razin "Study of the regulatory sequences associated with DNase I-hypersensitive sites in the 5' region of the chicken α-globin gene domain"

702-706 G.G. Chrisanfova, S.K. Semyenova, A.P. Ryskov "Cloning and characterization of RAPD markers of parasitic nematodes Trichinella spiralis and T. pseudospiralis"

707-711 N.G. Kan, I.A. Martyrosyan, I.S. Darevsky, F.D. Danielyan, M.S. Arakelyan, A.V. Aslanyan, V.V. Grechko, O.N. Tokarskaya, A.P. Ryskov "Detection of genetically unstable loci in parthenogenic families of lizards of the Lacerta genus by DNA fingerprinting"


712-723 E.N. Bogacheva, A.B. Shishkov "Tritium planigraphy: A tool for studying the spatial structure of proteins and their complexes"

724-732 G.B. Zavilgelsky "Antirestriction"

Genomics, Proteomics, Bioinformatics

733-736 D.A. Chistyakov, K.V. Savost'yanov, R.I. Turakulov, L.N. Scherbacheva, G.G. Mamaeva, M.I. Balabolkin, V.V. Nosikov "The C1167T polymorphism of the catalase gene and polymorphic markers D11S907 and D11S2008 located in its vicinity are associated with diabetes mellitus type 2"

737-743 A.M. Shmatkov "Study of local correlations in bacterial genes for use in the framework of hidden Markov models"

744-746 O.E. Voron'ko, D.A. Chistyakov, Zh.D. Kobalava, S.N. Tereshchenko, S.V. Moiseev, V.V. Nosikov "Polymorphic minisatellite ecNOS4a/4b of the endothelial NO synthase gene and cardiovascular disorders"

Gene Molecular Biology

747-753 V.A. Petyuk, R. Giege, V.V. Vlassov, M.A. Zenkova "Mechanism of oligonucleotide hybridization with the 3'-terminal region of the yeast tRNAPhe"

754-758 A.A. Malygin, D.D. Shaulo, G.G. Karpova "Dissociation of proteins from the human 40S ribosomal subunit in a lithium chloride gradient"

759-763 N.A. Demeshkina, M.N. Repkova, A.G. Ven'yaminova, D.M. Graifer, G.G. Karpova "Analog of mRNA, pUUUGUU derivative with an arylazide group at guanosine residue, crosslinks with nucleotides A1823 and A1824 of 18S rRNA in human 80S ribosomes"

764-765 A. Seit Nebi, L. Frolova, N. Ivanova, A. Poltaraus, L. Kisselev "Substitutions of the Glutamine Residue in the ubiquitous GGQ tripeptide in human eRF1 do not entirely abolish the release factor activity"

Biopolymer Physics and Physical Chemistry

766-771 V.M. Kochkina "Catalytic efficiency of subunits of the dimeric aminotransferase molecule in solution and in crystal"

Cell Molecular Biology

772-775 T.V. Chepurnykh, M.S. Shtutman, A.V. Bykova, Yu.G. Yanushevich, A.G. Tatosyan "Gene bet1 involved in vesicular transport is differentially transcribed in transformed cells of different metastatic potential"