449-460 N.A. Kolchanov, E.A. Anan'ko, F.A. Kolpakov, O.A. Podkolodnaya, E.V. Ignat'eva, T.N. Goryachkovskaya, I.L. Stepanenko "Gene networks"
461-467 A.G. Vitreshchak, M.S. Gel'fand "Computer analysis of control signals in bacterial genomes. Attenuators of operons of aromatic amino acids metabolism"
468-473 E.V. Korotkov, M.A. Korotkova, V.M. Rudenko "MIR: Family of repeats common to vertebrate genomes"
474-484 G.A. Zhouravleva, L.N. Mironova, S.G. Inge-Vechtomov "The yeast genome and the first steps toward the postgenomic era"
485-495 D.V. Scherbakov, M.B. Garber "Overlapping genes in bacterial and phage genomes"
496-507 E.M. Alexandrova, A.G. Zaraisky "Molecular mechanisms of early neurogenesis in vertebrates"
508-520 P.S. Gromov, J.E. Celis "From genomics to proteomics"
521-534 E.R. Zabarovsky "Novel strategies to clone identical and distinct DNA sequences for several complex genomes"
535-543 P.M. Rubtsov "Alternative promoters and RNA processing in expression of the eukaryotic genome"
544-553 Yu.B. Lebedev "Endogenous retroviruses: A possible role in human cell function"
554-560 M.V. Nemtsova "Genomic imprinting and human hereditary disorders"
561-577 M.A. Sudomoina, O.O. Favorova "A search for susceptibility genes in multiple sclerosis"
578-589 D.V. Zaletaev "DNA diagnostics in oncology"
590-600 V.S. Baranov "Molecular medicine: Molecular diagnostics, preventive medicine, and gene therapy"
601-605 M.G. Aksenova, V.E. Golimbet, M.V. Alfimova, V.I. Trubnikov, O.V. Ab, K.G. Yazykov, V.V. Nosikov "Allele polymorphism of the dopamine transporter gene in patients with endogenous psychoses: Association with pathological syndromes"
606-612 I.F. Makarevich, E.V. Berezikov, V.P. Guryev, A.G. Blinov "Molecular phylogeny of the Chironomus genus deduced from nucleotide sequences of two nuclear genes, ssp 160 and the globin 2b gene"