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Vol. 3 (1969) N. 6

637-638 "Vladimir Aleksandrovich Engel'gart (On His Seventy-Fifth Birthday)"

639-647 B.P. Atanasov, M.V. Vol'kenshtein, and Yu.A. Sharonov "A Study of the Magnetooptical Rotatory Dispersion of Complexes of Hemin and Heme with Low-Molecular-Weight Ligands"

648-656 D.B. Saprygin and A.M. Poverennyi "Structure of the Regions of the DNA Molecule Reacting with Different Antibodies"

657-664 A.V. Kozlov and S.B. Chagina "Chromatographic Method for Isolation of Escherichia coli В Nucleoproteins"

665-671 N.I. Sokolova, G.I. Gurova, L.G. Gatinskaya, Z.A. Shabarova, and N.A. Prokof'ev "Properties of the Internucleotide-(Pi-N)-Peptide Knot in Model Compounds"

672-679 A.L. Mazin and B.F. Vanyushin "Comparative Study of the Frequency of Incidence of Pyrimidine Clusters in the DNA of Some Vertebrates"

680-691 M.V. Vol'kenshtein "A Molecular Theory of Muscular Contraction"

692-699 E.I. Golub and V.I. Zvenigorodskii "Incapacity of Noninducible Prophage for Detachment from the Bacterial Chromosome"

700-710 A.D. Mirzabekov, L.Ya. Kazarinova, and A.A. Baev "Acceptor Activity of Certain Cleaved Molecules of Yeast Valine tRNA 1"

711-716 L.P. Ovchinnikov and A.Ts. Avanesov "Informosomes of the Loach Embryo. 3. Specificity of Interaction between "Informosome-forming Protein" and RNA"

717-723 A.V. Parin and L.L. Kiselev "Multiplicity of Active Forms of Tryptophanyl-RNA Synthetase"

724-732 A.D. Mirzabeknv, L.Ya. Kazarinova, D.Lastit', and A.A. Baev "Mechanism of the Restoration of Acceptor Activity of Halves of a Cut Yeast Valine tRNA Molecule"

733-748 H.B. Khesin, Zh.M. Gorlenko, M.K. Shemynkin, S.L. Stvolinskii, S.Z. Mindlin, and T.S. Il'ina "A Study of the Functions of the Components of the Molecule of RNA Polymerase by Means of Mutations"