181-192 M.A. Prokof'ev and Z.A. Shabarova "Derivatives of Nucleotides and Oligonucleotides: A Research Tool in Molecular Biology"
192-197 V.V. Adler and V.I. Mechitov "Isolation of mRNA for Tyrosine Aminotransferase Using Immunosorption of Polyribosomes on Sepharose 4B"
198-204 A.Yu. Borisov "Photosynthesis as a Prototype of Solar Energetics of a New Type. I. The Chlorophyll Apparatus of Photosynthesis"
205-209 V.M. Sedova, I.M. Konstantinova, and V.I. Vorob'ev "Investigation of Transcription of Chromatin from the Liver of Cortisone-Treated Rats"
209-214 G.M. Lipkind and M.Ya. Karpeiskii "Theoretical Conformational Analysis of Uridine-2', 3'-Cyclooxyphosphorane and Its Nonvalent Complex with Ribonuclease S"
215-219 V.I. Godik, V.D. Samuilov, and A.Yu. Borisov "Intermediate States Formed upon Separation of Charges in the Reaction Centers of Rhodospirillum rubrum under Conditions of a Low Oxidation- Reduction Potential"
220-227 A.S. Krylov, G.V. Gurskii, N.O. Kondrat'eva, L.I. Mar'yash, A.I. Poletaev, and V.A. Shibnev "Structure of Regular Polypeptide-DNA Complexes"
228-233 Yu.Yu. Tentsov, A.K. Gitel'man, and A.G. Bukrinskaya "Intracellular Structures of Influenza Virus"
233-240 N.G. Yaroslavtseva, M.L. Khristova, T.L. Busse, and I.G. Kharitonenkov "Physicochemical Characteristics of Sendai Virus RNA. III. Interactions with Proflavin"
241-246 A.G. Badashkeeva, L.Ya. Denisova, S.N. Zagrebel'nyi, D.G. Knorre, N.M. Pustoshilova, and T.N. Shubina "Investigation of Template Properties of the Decadeoxynucleotide d(pCCACGAAACC) in RNA Polymerase System of Escherichia coli"
246-252 A.P. Ryskov, O.N. Tokarskaya, Ch. Coutelle, and G.-D. Hunger "Structure of Nuclear pre-mRNA. IX. Hybridization of Double-Stranded Segments of pre-mRNA with Excess of mRNA"
253-262 D.A. Kramerov and A.P. Ryskov "Structure of Nuclear pre-mRNA. X. New Type of Double-Stranded Structures in pre-mRNA"
262-268 L.V. Malinina, Yu.N. Kosaganov and Yu.S. Lazurkin "Effect of Formaldehyde on Enzymatic Activity of RNase A"
269-275 A.M. Kolchinskii, D.F. San'ko, V.V. Shik, A.D. Mirazbekov, and A. Gineitis "State of the DNA Grooves in Mono- and Oligonucleotides and in Complexes of DNA with Various Histones"
275-279 M.V. Starostina and S.M. Sviridov "Interaction of Various Fractions of S-100 Protein with Calcium"
279-285 G.L Karataev, V.G. Bogush, B.A. Rebentish, T.G. Plotnikova, V.A. Naroditskaya, and V.L Permogorov "Physicochemical Study of the Nucleic Acid of Bacteriophage φB"
286-295 S.A. Strel'tsov, A.N. Surovaya, and L.A. Aleksandrova "Investigation of the Structure of tRNA by the Method of Energy Migration Using a Fluorescent Label Covalently Joined to Specific Sites on the tRNA"
296-302 S.V. Popovkina, S.G. Zavgorodnii, A.V. Azhaev, V.V. Kotusov, R.Ya. Vigestane, L.S. Viktorova, M.K. Kukhanova, N.V. Gnuchev, A.A. Kraevskii, and B.P. Gottikh "Peptidyl Transferase Center of the Ribosome. I. Difference in Substance Specificity of the Acceptor and Donor Sections"
302-309 T.L. Pyatigorskaya, Yu.M. Evdokimov, and Ya.M. Varshavskii "Compact Form of Synthetic Polynucleotides. Relationship between the Circular Dichroism Spectra and the Secondary Structure"
310-316 S.G. Skuridin, V.A. Kadykov, V.S. Shashkov, Yu.M. Evdokimov, and Ya.M. Varshavskii "Production of the Compact Form of DNA in Solution on Interaction with Spermidine"
317-323 V.L. Kaler and L.E. Fridlyand "Possible Mechanism of Cooperative Control in Multienzyme Systems"
324-335 V.V. Smirnov, E.S. Gromova, N.N. Nefed'eva, Z.A. Shabarova, and M.A. Prokof'ev "Some Properties of Complexes of Aromatic Amino Acid Amide Derivatives of Oligonucleotides with Polynucleotides"
336-347 Yu.P. Lysov, A.K. Shchelkina, L.Yu. Tychinskaya, and V.L. Florent'ev "Oligonucleotides and Their Analogs. III. Circular Dichroism and Conformation of Analogs of Cytidylyl-(3'-5')-adenosine"
348-353 M.A. Mazo "Influence of the Random Fragmentation of DNA on the Kinetics of the Reassociation of Repeating Sequences"
353-359 I.A. Kuznetsov, N.V. Apolonnik, and V.V. Yachmenev "Irreversible Changes of the Secondary Structure in Concentrated Aqueous Solutions of DNA"
359-365 E.B. Zhulina, A.M. Skvortsov, and Т.М. Birshtein "Helix-Coil Transitions in Polypeptides Selectively Interacting with a Phase-Separation Surface"