1-28 E.M. Popov "Theoretical Study of Enzyme-Substrate Interactions"
29-35 Yu. M. Evdokimov, V.I. Salyanov, T.L. Pyatigorskaya, O.F. Polivtsev, A.L. Zhuze, and Ya.M. Varshavskii "Compact Form of DNA in Solution. IX. Characteristics of the Circular Dichroism Spectra of Compact DNA Particles Formed in Polyethylene Glycol-Containing Water-Salt Solutions in the Presence of Distamycin A"
36-40 I.A. Bespalova, К.K. Gachechiladze, A.F. Kretova, T.G. Chanishvili, and A.S. Tikhonenko "Electron-Microscope Study of the Antigen-Antibody Complex, for the Fine Differentiation of the Protein Constituents of the Structure of the coli-Shigella Bacteriophages"
41-51 V.V. Bakaev, A.A. Mel'nikov, V.D. Osika, and A.Ya. Varshavskii "Structure of Chromosomal Deoxyribonucleoproteins. VIII. Isolation and Investigation of Chromatin Subunits"
52-57 V.M. Zhdanov, N.B. Azadova, R.N. Kopel'man, M.A. Yakhno, L.Ya. Zakstel'skaya, B.V. Gushchin, Yu.P. Gofman, and E.A. Gushchina "Integration of Genomes of Two Infectious Viruses by Mouse Cells"
58-64 M.M. Ogievetskaya "Determination of Rate of Protein Evolution on the Basis of Amino Acid Composition. I. Bate of Evolution of Actins"
65-72 P.V. Sergeev, N.L. Shimanovskii, I.V. Zlokazova, and A.U. Stepanyants "Investigation of the Interaction of X-Ray Contrast Media with Human Serum Albumin by Means of Fluorescent Labels and NMR"
72-79 A.B. Fonarev, A.V. Shugalii, and I.N. Todorov "Features of the Primary Structure and Radiosensitivity of DNA Molecules"
79-83 V.Yu. Gavrilov and M.A. Mazo "Mathematical Investigation of the Kinetics of the Reassociation of Randomly Fragmented DNA"
84-91 Yu.B. Titov and V.N. Soifer "Differences in the Inhibition of Cell Division and DNA Synthesis by Ultraviolet Irradiation in Escherichia coli K12 uvr+ and uvr A6 and Effect of Hydroxyurea on DNA Synthesis in Irradiated Cells"
92-98 E.D. Sverdlov, G.S. Monastyrskaya, and E.I. Budovskii "Strategy for the Determination of the Sequences in Oligo- and Polynucleotides Based on the Determination of the Number of Bases in Specific Derivatives"
99-106 V.G. Mitrofanov, P. Kullyev, and G.G. Gauze "Isolation and Several Properties of the R-DNA Polymerase from Unfertilized Bombyx mori Eggs"
107-110 V.L Permogorov, B.V. Tyaglov, V.G. Bogush, and V.E. Minaev "Contribution of the Scattering of Light during the Melting of Phages T7 and Sd"
110-116 M.B. Evgen'ev and A.A. Shilov "Repeated DNA Nucleotide Sequences and the Problem of the Homologous Conjugation of Chromosomes"
116-124 E.E. Fesenko and N.Ya. Orlov "Investigation of the Kinetics of the Prelumirhodopsin-Lumirhodopsin Transition in the Visual Pigments of Vertebrates"
124-133 E.V. Metakovskii, E.M. Cherdantseva, and V.A. Gvozdev "Action of Ecdysterone on Surface Membrane Glycoproteins of Drosophila melanogaster Cells In Culture"
134-141 S.N. Borkhsenius, N.A. Belozerskaya, N.A. Merkulova, I.S. Irlina, and V.I. Vorob'ev "Possible Repeated Replication of Part of the Nuclear DNA of Tetrahymena during a Single S Phase"
141-146 B.F. Vanyushin, N.A. Tushmalova, L.V. Gus'kova, N.P. Demidkina, and L.R. Nikandrova "Changes In DNA Methylatlon Level of Rat Brain during Development of a Conditioned Reflex"
147-157 D.A. Prangishvili and R.Sh. Bibilashvili "Two-Component Ribonucleotide Transferase from Е. coli. I. Isolation and Purification "
157-167 D.A. Prangishvili and R.Sh. Bibilashvili "Two-Component Ribonucleotidyl Transferase of Е. coli. II. Enzymatic Properties"
167-171 M.L. Zlochevskli, Yu.I. Kozlov, E.K. Tal', and V.G. Debabov "Production of a Biologically Active Complex Consisting of DNA and Protein A - a Product of Gene 3 of Phage f1"
171-175 V.M. Orlov, A.N. Smirnov, and Ya. M. Varshavskii "Ionization Potentials of the Nitrogenous Bases of the Nucleic Acids and Some of Their Analogs"
176-182 V.L. Makarov, A.I. Poletaev, and M.V. Vol'kenshtein "Circular Dichroism of DNA Complexes with Dyes. L Theoretical Description of the Chromophore-Chromophore Interaction of the Ligands"
182-184 L.A. Osterman, P.S. Sverdlova, and V.V. Chupeeva "A Nonphenolle Method of Preparing tRNA"
185-189 V.L. Larionov, G.G. Gauze, and S.A. Neifakh "Isolation of DNA from Yeasts Grown in an Osmotically Balanced Medium in the Presence of 2-Desoxy-D-glucose"