387-404 R.L Tatarskaya "Nucleases. Their Biological Role"
404-406 M.V. Vol'kenshtein "Transversions and Transitions"
406-410 S.E. Bresler, N.N. Vasil'eva, and E.N. Kazbekov "Mechanism of Action of d-Amino Acid Oxidase. II. Demonstration of the Free Radical Mechanism of the Reaction of the Monomer Form of the Enzyme"
411-417 A.V. Finkel'shtein "Stereochemical Analysis of the Secondary Structure of Polypeptide Chains with the Aid of Courtauld Three-Dimensional Models. I. Permitted Dipeptide Conformations"
417-423 M.A. Sibileva, T.N. Osipova, A.I. Zalenskii, M.A. Chebishyan, A.I. Golikova, V.I. Vorob'ev, and E.V. Frisman "DNA Complexes with the F3 and F3+F2a2 Histones"
423-429 I.Ya. Ostashevskii and A.G. Bezrukova "Dependence of Fluorescence Parameters of Chymotrypsin, Chymotrypsinogen, Trypsin, and Lysozyme on pH"
430-436 B.O. Glotov, L.V. Kozlov, and L.L. Zavada "Effect of pH and Heat Treatment on the Intramolecular Mobility of Pepsin"
437-441 T.G. Beridze "Nuclear Satellites in the Genus Brassica L"
442-447 V.D. Paponov "Rheological Behavior of Deoxyribonucleoprotein Systems of Chromatin. I. Deoxyribonucleoproteins in Solutions of High Ionic Strength"
448-455 E.F. Illarionov "Membrane Proteins Associated with the Hydrocarbon Oxidation System of Pseudomonas denitrificans"
456-461 I.Z. Mitsova "Investigation of the Structure of Nitrogenase by Electron Microscopy and Optical Diffraction"
462-469 V.A. Kashpur, V.Ya. Maleev, and T.Yu. Sbchegoleva "Investigation of the Hydration of Globular Proteins by Differential Dielectrometry"
469-476 S.G. Popov and G.G. Shamovskii "Complex Formation of Dioligodeoxyadenylyl-5',5'-pyrophosphates with Polyribouridylic Acid"
476-483 M.L. Khristova, N.G. Yaroslavtseva, I.G. Kharitonenkov, and A.G. Bukrinskaya "Physicochemlcal Properties of Sendai Virus RNA. I. Fraction on Hydroxylapatite"
484-490 A.B. Fedina and K.G. Gazaryan "Comparative Study of the Nonhistone Proteins of the Chromatin of Pigeon Erythroblasts and Erythrocytes"
490-493 G.M. Lipkind "Theoretical Conformational Analysis of Cytidine 2',3'-Cyclophosphate"
494-498 V.L. Knorre, L.Yu. Efimova, and R.I. SaIganlk "Effect of Oligoribonucleotides Selectively Bound by Е. coli RNA Potymerase on DNA-Dependent RNA Synthesis"
499-506 V.A. Rasskazov, Yu.N. Shumilov, and E.V. Pin'kevich "Site of the Replication of Nuclear DNA in Embryos of the Sea Urchin Strongylgcentrotus intermedius"
507-512 S.V. Shlyapnlkov, G.U. Margulis, B.O. Glotov, and E.S. Severin "Tyrosine Residues of Histones. Kinetics of the Nitration of Fl and F2al Histones by Tetranitromethane"
512-519 L.P. Naumova, E.K. Pressman, and L.S. Sandakhchiev "Intracellular Transport of Ribosomal RNA of Nuclear Origin in Acetabularia mediterranea"
520-525 E.G. Piker and S.R. Umanskii "Model for the Regulation of Genome Activity in Eucaryotic Cells"
526-534 P.P. Knox, N.P. Adamova, V.Z. Pashchenko, K.N. Timofeev, A.A. Kononenko, and A.B. Rubin "Isolation and Investigation of Photochemical Properties of Photosynthetic Reaction Centers from Rhodopseudomonas spheroides, Strain 1760-1"
535-538 N.A. Graevskaya and A.F. Sito "Immunological Aspects of Preparing Antiserum to Reverse Transcriptase from Avian Myeloblastosis Virus"
539-544 Yu.M. Evdokimov, N.M. Akimenko, V.A. Kadykov, Yu.Yu. Vengerov, T.L. Pyatigorskaya, A.L. Platonov, and Ya.M. Varshavskii "Compact Form of DNA in Solution. VI. Change in Structure of Double-Stranded DNA in Conditions Preceding Its Compaction"
545-549 Yu.L. Shapiro, P.E. Rabinovich, V.V. Terskikh, and T.A. Naumova "DNA Synthesis in Bone Marrow Stem Cells during Starvation"
550-554 V.V. Vlasov and P. Westermann "Modification of Rat Liver Ribosomes by Alkylating Derivatives of tRNA"
554-561 A.I. Poletaev, V.I. Ivanov, and L.E. Minchenkova "Conformational Transition within the Family of A Forms of Complementary Nucleic Acids"
561-567 A.P. Chernov, T.N. Kopylova-Sviridova, L.P. Tikhomirova, V.I. Tanyashin, V.M. Kryukov, N.I. Matvienko, I. Fodor, and A.A. Baev "Identification of the Products of Incomplete Hydrolysis of Bacteriophage λ DNA by Eco Rl Endonuclease"
568-580 A.D. Dmitriev, O.N. Danilevskaya, and R.B. Khesin "Synthesis of RNA Polymerase Subunits in Mutants of Escherichia coli"
580-587 A.A. Makarov, N.G. Esipova, Yu.A. Pankov, B.A. Grishkovskii, V.M. Lobachev, and A.G. Sukhomudrenko "Conformational Features of β-Lipotropic Hormone and Its Fragments"