1-28 R.B. Khesin and B.A. Leibovich "Chromosome Structure, Histones, and Gene Activity in Drosophila"
29-46 A.Ya. Varshavskii, V.V. Bakaev, Yu.V. Il'in, A.A. Baev, jr., V.A. Kadykov, Yu.Yu. Vengerov, and G.P. Georgiev "Structure of Chromosomal Deoxyribonucleoproteins. VII. Free DNA in Sheared Chromatin"
47-52 A.V. Likhtenshtein, R.P. Alekhina, and V.S. Shapot "Investigation of Ribonucleoprotein Particles by Chromatography of RNA on Nucleoprotein-Celite Columns"
53-57 Yu.S. Polonskii, Yu.A. Kozlov, V.G. Debabov, Yu.N. Zograf, and S.N. Torskii "Effect of Proteins Bound with Single-Stranded DNA on Synthesis of RNA and Poly(A). II. Protein Product of Gene 32 of Phage T4"
58-63 А.E. Kister and V.G. Dashevskii "Calculations of the Conformations of Stereoregular Double-Helical Polynucleotides"
64-68 A.P. Kozlov, A.Z. Plyusnin, and I.F. Seits "Conformational Isomers of Fractions of Small-Molecular-Weight Nuclear RNA"
69-72 V.I. Krupyanko and G.S. Ivanova "Inhibition of Intracellular RNase of Aspergillus clavatus by Nucleotides and their Components"
73-80 M.V. Kogan, T.V. Venkstern, V.N. Rekunova, A.M. Yurkevich and A.A. Baev "Inhibitory Effect of S-Adenosyl-L-Homocysteine and Its Structural Analogs on the Enzymatic Methylation of tRNA"
81-87 L.A. Strelkov, L.N. Gauze, and K.A. Kafiani "Transcription of Ribosomal Genes in Embryos with Different Degrees of Ploidy"
88-92 Yu.V. Kozlov, V.I. Tanyashin, E.S. Zalmanzon, and A.A. Shilov "Production of Fragments of Type 5 Adenovirus DNA with the Aid of Specific Endonuclease from E. coli"
93-99 E.A. Lesnik, R.N. Maslova, and Ya.M. Varshavskii "Investigation of the Reactivity and Structure of Poly(rG) and Poly(rG) -Poly(rC) in Solutions by the Method of Kinetic Isotopic Exchange of Hydrogen"
100-108 N.K. Sakharova, V.V. Grechko, and L.E. Goryunova "mRNA Fractions from Mouse Plasmocytoma Cells"
109-116 A.V. Kulikov "Determination of Distances between the Spins of a Label and a Paramagnetic Center in Spin-Labeled Proteins from the Parameters of the Saturation Curve of the ESR Spectrum of the Label at 77°K"
117-122 A.Ya. Rubenchik and S.V. Konev "Several Structural Aspects of the Interaction of Yeast Hexokinase with Insulin"
123-131 S.D. Varfolomeev and I.V. Berezin "Kinetic Laws of Reactions with Immobilized Enzymes in Open Systems (Flow Reactor with Ideal Mixing)"
132-143 B.O. Glotov, L.V. Kozlov, and L.L. Zavada "Intramolecular Mobility of Pepsin"
144-149 B.F.Poglazov, G.G. Tvanov, and A.L. Metlina "Chemical Grafting of Myosin and Actin to Polycaprolactarn Fibers"
150-158 B.N. Gol'dshtein, O.B. Krapivinskli, and D.S. Markovloh "Kinetic Manifestations of Active-Site Interactions in Pig Skeletal Muscle D-Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase"
159-168 M.I. Bystrova, I.N. Mal'gosheva, and A.A. Krasnovskii "Molecular Organization of Aggregated Forms of Chlorophyll and Its Analogs"
169-176 O.V. Rokhlin "IgM-IgG Switch in Antibody Synthesis. 1. Ratio between Allelic Variants of Rat Immunoglobulin Light Chains in Various Classes of Antilactoside Antibodies"
177-182 V.N. Gershanovich, N.V. Yurovitskaya, L.V.Komissarova, T.N. Bol'shakova, R.S. Erlagaeva, and G.I. Burd "Catabolite Repression in Escherichia coli K12 Mutants Defective in Various Glucose Transport Systems"
183-187 L.Yu. Frolova "CHRONICLES. Transcription and Translation of the Viral Genome"