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Vol 49(2015) N 5 p. 678-686; DOI 10.1134/S0026893315050167 Full Text

M.A. Spitsyn1, V.E. Shershov1, V.E. Kuznetsova1, V.E. Barsky2, E.E. Egorov1, M.A. Emelyanova1, E.Ya. Kreindlin1, Yu.P. Lysov1, T.O. Guseinov1, D.E. Fesenko1, S.A. Lapa1, S.A. Surzhikov1, I.S. Abramov1, T.V. Nasedkina1, A.S. Zasedatelev1, A.V. Chudinov1*

Infrared fluorescent markers for microarray DNA analysis

1Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119991, Russia
2Biochip-EIMB, Moscow, 117312, Russia

Received - 2014-11-28; Accepted - 2015-02-06

In order to expand the informational capabilities of molecular genetic research, new indotricarbocyanine dyes that fluoresce in the near infrared (IR) spectral region have been synthesized. The developed IR dyes were studied using a biochip-based test system for detection of mutations in the BRCA1/BRCA2 and CHECK2 genes associated with breast cancer. The fluorescent label was introduced to the analyzed DNA during PCR using primers labeled with the synthesized IR dyes. An analyzer that allows recording and processing of images of fluorescent microarrays in the IR spectral region was designed and manufactured. It has been shown that the use of the synthesized dyes enables to conduct analysis in the IR region and improve the reliability of medical diagnostic tests due to low fluorescence intensity of sample components as well as of a biochip substrate and the reagents used for analysis.

Microarrays, microarray analyzer, IR fluorescent dyes, molecular genetic analysis, mutations