2023  1,500
2022  1,200
2021  1,540
2020  1,374
2019  1,023
2018  0,932
2017  0,977
2016  0,799
2015  0,662
2014  0,740
2013  0,739
2012  0,637
2011  0,658
2010  0,654
2009  0,570
2008  0,849
2007  0,805
2006  0,330
2005  0,435
2004  0,623
2003  0,567
2002  0,641
2001  0,490
2000  0,477
1999  0,762
1998  0,785
1997  0,507
1996  0,518
1995  0,502
Vol 43(2009) N 5 p. 855-866;
E.A. Shubina1,2, E.V. Ponomareva1, A.I. Glubokov3

Population genetic structure of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma (Gadidae, Pisces) from the Bering Sea and Sea of Okhotsk

1Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
2Biology Department, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
3All-Russia Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography, Moscow, 107140, Russia
Received - 2009-01-14; Accepted - 2009-04-03

Walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma Pallas occupies a central place in ecosystems of the North Pacific and is an important target species of fisheries. The species is characterized by daily vertical, spawning, feeding, and wintering migrations and spawning occurring under the sea ice. Since population structure estimation by the tagging with recapture is inefficient in walleye pollock, the pollock resources are difficult to estimate by conventional methods, requiring population genetic studies with molecular markers. The population genetic structure of five spawning aggregations from the Bering Sea was for the first time studied with ten microsatellite loci: Tch5, Tch10, Tch11, Tch12, Tch14, Tch16, Tch17, Tch19, Tch20, and Tch22. A spatially distant sample from the Sea of Okhotsk was used as a reference group. Polymorphism for the markers reached 100%, and heterozygosity of individual loci ranged from 41 to 95% in different populations. It was shown the aggregations of interest are in goodness-to-fit the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) at hole, while the Sea of Okhotsk sample demonstrated a sex bias: the heterozygosity at Tch16 in males was significantly lower than in females. The highest discriminative power was observed for Tch10, Tch20, and Tch22. FST genetic distances between populations were typical for marine fishes. A mixed composition was supposed for the sample from the region of the underwater Shirshov Ridge, which serves as a natural partial geographic barrier between the Olyutor-Karagin and Koryak walleye pollock stocks. With the Shirshov sample excluded, FSTscatter plots and the spatial autocorrelation approach supported isolation by distance for the aggregations. An influence of abiotic factors on the population structure was assumed for walleye pollock of the Bering Sea.

marine fishes, population dynamics, ten microsatellite loci, genetic distances, isolation by distance