Vol 56(2022) N 5 p. 696-704; DOI 10.1134/S0026893322050107 V.A. Mitkevich1,2*, I.Yu. Petrushanko1, M.G. Engelhardt1, O.I. Kechko1, A.A. Makarov1 Combination of RNase Binase and AKT1/2 Kinase Inhibitor Blocks Two Alternative Survival Pathways in Kasumi-1 Cells 1Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119991 Russia2Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, 420008 Russia *mitkevich@gmail.com Received - 2022-03-11; Revised - 2022-04-01; Accepted - 2022-04-01 Treatment of malignant neoplasms often requires the use of combinations of chemotherapeutic agents. However, in order to select combinations that are effective against specific tumor cells, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms of action of the drugs that make up the combination. Bacillus pumilus ribonuclease (binase) is considered as an adjuvant antitumor agent, and the sensitivity of malignant cells to the apoptogenic effect of binase depends on the presence of certain oncogenes. In the acute myelogenous leukemia cell line Kasumi-1, binase blocks the proliferation pathway mediated by the mutant tyrosine kinase KIT, which, as shown in our work, activates an alternative proliferation pathway through AKT kinase. In Kasumi-1 cells, binase in combination with an Akt1/2 inhibitor induces apoptosis, and their toxic effects add up: the Akt1/2 inhibitor blocks the binase-induced pathway after suppression of the KIT-dependent pathway. Thus, a combination of binase and AKT kinase inhibitors can effectively block various pathways of tumor cell proliferation and be used for their elimination. ribonuclease, malignant cell, cancer therapy, proliferation pathway, acute myelogenous leukemia |