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Vol 54(2020) N 2 p. 157-162; DOI 10.1134/S002689332002003X Full Text

Y.N. Chirgadze1*, V.V. Ivanov2,3

Zn-CysHis Protein Factor Families: Role of Electrostatic Interaction of Zn-Domains in Factor Functions

1Institute of Protein Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow oblast, 142290 Russia
2Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow oblast, 141980 Russia
3Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, National Research Nuclear University, Moscow, 115409 Russia

Received - 2019-09-04; Revised - 2019-10-14; Accepted - 2019-10-21

The large amount of the DNA- and RNA-binding protein regulatory factors contain Zn-domains. Total six Zn-CysHis factor families with different functions were considered. Among them the transcription factors of family PF00096, complex type Zn-Cys2His2, is the most important because it includes over 340.000 members of 365.000 total members listed at present in the Zn-containing factor families. The role of electrostatic potential of Zn-domains in the structure and function of factors from different factor families has been considered. We have shown that the positive electrostatic potential of Zn-domains plays an essential role in forming contact of factors' Zn-domains with DNA/RNA in three protein factor families PF00096, PF12874, and PF09329. While in other three families PF03119, PF08996, and PF01258 Zn-domains do not contact with nucleic acids, and electrostatic interactions do not play a distinctive role, consequently.

Zn-CysHis complex, Zn-finger, DNA binding factor, electrostatic potential