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Vol 48(2014) N 3 p. 347-350; DOI 10.1134/S0026893314030194 Full Text

T.V. Sizova*, O.I. Karpova**

Evolution Conservatively of SCAR DNA Localization in Genome Isochores of Warm-Blooded Vertebrates

Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119991, Russia

Received - 2013-12-04; Accepted - 2013-12-19

In meiotic prophase I, chromatin fibrils attached to the lateral elements of the synaptonemal complexes form loops. Synaptonemal complex associated regions of DNA (SCARs DNA) are a family of genomic DNA sequences tightly associated with the synaptonemal complex; they are located at the chromatin loop basements. Isochore compositional fractions of the human and chicken genomes were used as 32P labeled probes for hybridization with SCAR DNA isolated previously from the spermatocyte nuclei of the golden hamster Mesocricetus auratus. Nucleotide sequences similar to the golden hamster's SCAR DNA were found in human and chicken genome isochores. The localization of SCAR DNA in isochore compartments of the examined genomes was established to be evolutionary conservative.

meiosis, DNA tightly associated with the synaptonemal complex, isochores, hybridization, warmblooded vertebrates, Pearson's chi-squared test