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Vol 53(2019) N 3 p. 438-441; DOI 10.1134/S0026893319030075 Full Text

A. Greco1, D.V. Vaipan2, V.A. Tkachuk2,3, D.N. Penkov1,3*

The Involvement of Cardiomyocyte-Specific Transcription Factors Meis in Adipocyte Differentiation

1The FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology, Milan, 20139 Italy
2Moscow State University, Moscow, 119234 Russia
3Russian National Research Center for Cardiology, Moscow, 121552 Russia

Received - 2018-12-25; Revised - 2019-01-11; Accepted - 2019-01-11

Homeodomain transcription factors play a significant role in adipocyte differentiation. The role of Pbx1 and Prep1, proteins of the TALE family (the three amino acid loop extension), was previously established in adipocyte differentiation of mesenchymal stromal cells and 3T3-L1 cell line. In this study, with the use of RNA interference technology we show that another transcription factor from the same family, Meis1, which is a core protein of mature cardiomyocytes, represses adipogenesis to a greater degree than its paralog Meis2. A number of Meis target genes, markers of adipocytes, are identified. This may indicate the transcriptional mechanism of the effect of Meis1 on the adipocyte differentiation of mouse preadipocytes.

adipocyte differentiation, transcription factor, chromatin, Meis1, Meis2