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Vol 53(2019) N 3 p. 411-418; DOI 10.1134/S0026893319030130 Full Text

S.V. Nikulin1,2*, E.N. Knyazev1, T.N. Gerasimenko1, S.A. Shilin1, I.N. Gazizov1, G.S. Zakharova1, A.A. Poloznikov3, D.A. Sakharov1

Impedance Spectroscopy and Transcriptome Analysis of Choriocarcinoma BeWo b30 as a Model of Human Placenta

1OOO SRC Bioclinicum, Moscow, 115088 Russia
2Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Dolgoprudny, Moscow oblast, 141701 Russia
3National Medical Research Radiological Center, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Obninsk, Kaluga oblast, 249036 Russia

Received - 2018-08-29; Revised - 2018-12-11; Accepted - 2018-12-11

Placenta is a highly specialized organ that is necessary for successful gestation. Several models of the placental barrier are used to study how it functions, including the transplacental transport of xenobiotics. One of these models, human choriocarcinoma cell line BeWo is widely used in vitro. Notably, cancerous BeWo cells form multilayer structures that normally are not found in the human placenta. Here, we aim to develop techniques suitable for monitoring BeWo b30 cells in culture. To assess the state of BeWo b30 cells growing on a membrane, we use impedance spectroscopy, which allows us to estimate the number of cell layers by the change in the electrical parameters of the biological system. In mature BeWo b30 cell cultures, we also note a significant increase in the expression of genes encoding metallothioneins (particularly, MT1B, MT1F, and MT2A) and syncytins (ERVW-1 and ERVFRD-1), which can be used as biomarkers reflecting the development of mature phenotypic characteristics, namely, trophoblastic invasion and formation of the syncytium.

impedance spectroscopy, TEER, placental barrier, multilayer, BeWo b30, metallothioneins