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Vol 46(2012) N 2 p. 236-243;
I.V. Pronina1*, W.I. Loginov1, D.S. Hodyrev1, T.P. Kazubskaya2, E.A. Braga1**

RASSF1А Expression Level in Primary Epithelial Tumors of Various Locations

1State Research Center GosNIIGenetika, Moscow, 117545 Russia
2Blokhin Cancer Research Center, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, 115478 Russia

Received - 2011-05-11; Accepted - 2011-07-05

Tumor suppressor activity of in vitro and in vivo was established, in particular, in studies of knockout mice cells. Data on methylation of the promoter region and a lower expression of in vitro were mostly obtained with cancer cell lines. Here, the in vitro mRNA was quantified the first time in primary epithelial malignant tumors of five various locations from 130 patients by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Representative samples of kidney, lung, and breast carcinomas were examined. Preliminary data were obtained for in vitro expression in ovarian and colorectal carcinomas. System studies showed unexpected expression profiles, namely, the mRNA level increased (two- to sevenfold) more frequently than decreased in renal, breast, ovarian, and colorectal carcinomas. A higher in vitro mRNA level was significantly more frequent in renal cell carcinomas (24/38, 63% vs 8/38, 21%, P = 0.0004 by Fisher's exact test) and ovarian carcinomas (8/13, 62% vs 2/13, 15%, P = 0.0114). Equal frequencies of lower and higher in vitro expression levels were only observed in non-small cell lung cancer (16/38, 42%). Noteworthy, an increase in expression was more common at early clinical stages of squamous cell lung cancer and adenocarcinoma, while a decrease in in vitro expression was more frequent at advanced clinical stages. In clear cell renal cell carcinoma, an increase in in vitro expression occurred more often at both early and advanced stages and was significant at advanced stages (P = 0.0094). The findings suggested tumor specificity for changes in RASSF1A expression. The observed regularities may also indicate that in vitro has dual functions in tumors, acting as a tumor suppressor and as a protooncogene.

chromosome 3, RASSF1A gene, gene expression, mRNA level, clear cell renal cell carcinoma, non-small cell lung carcinoma, adenocarcinoma and squamous cell lung carcinoma, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, colorectal carcinoma