Vol 49(2015) N 1 p. 144-152; DOI 10.1134/S0026893314060193 S.A. Vasilyev1,2*, E.N. Tolmacheva1, A.A. Kashevarova1,2, E.A. Sazhenova1, I.N. Lebedev1,2 Methylation status of LINE-1 retrotransposon in chromosomal mosaicism during early stages of human embryonic development 1Research Institute of Medical Genetics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Tomsk, 634050 Russia Early stages of human embryonic development are characterized by the spatiotemporal coincidence of events of total epigenetic genome reprogramming and elevated level of mosaic forms of numerical chromosome abnormalities. It is possible that the abnormal reprogramming of various regions of the genome can lead to violations of local epigenetic chromatin organization and gene expression, which affect the correct chromosome segregation during mitosis. In this study, a comparative analysis of the methylation index of LINE-1 retrotransposon, which largely reflects the methylation profile of the genome, is performed in placental tissues of spontaneous abortions with complete and mosaic forms of aneuploidy and with a normal karyotype, as well as in the control group of induced abortions of the first trimester of pregnancy. It was shown that extraembryonic mesoderm and chorionic cytotrophoblast of spontaneous abortions with chromosomal mosaicism are characterized by the highest index of LINE-1 methylation among all studied groups. At the same time, the excessive hypomethylation of transposable genetic element was registered in spontaneous abortions with normal karyotype. We hypothesize that violations of parental genome demethylation during epigenetic reprogramming at preimplantation stages of development may be associated with an increased frequency of mitotic errors in chromosome segregation, which leads to the formation of a mosaic karyotype. LINE-1, aneuploidy, chromosomal mosaicism, epigenetic genome reprogramming |