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Vol 49(2015) N 1 p. 130-137; DOI 10.1134/S0026893314060065 Full Text

A.A. Gutsol, N.A. Sokhonevich, K.A. Yurova, O.G. Khaziakhmatova, V.V. Shupletsova, L.S. Litvinova*

Dose-dependent effects of dexamethasone on functional activity of T-lymphocytes with different grades of differentiation

Innovation Park, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, 236000 Russia

Received - 2014-04-25; Accepted - 2014-06-10

Glucocorticoids are anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive agents with pleiotropic effects on the growth, differentiation, and functional activity of T lymphocytes. The comprehensive assessment of the influence of dexamethasone on the functional activity of T cells with different grades of differentiation was performed under experimental in vitro conditions. We established that dexamethasone suppressed the functional activity of CD45RA+ and CD45RO+ T lymphocytes. In the population of naive (CD45RA+) T cells, the inhibitory effect of dexamethasone on the early activation stages (IL-2-dependent, associated with the CD25 expression and IL-2 production) was more significant, whereas in the culture of primed memory cells (CD45RO+), dexamethasone affects the later stages (IL-2-independent, associated with the expression of proliferation molecule CD71). Multidirectional effects of dexamethasone on the level of expression of mRNA of telomerase catalytic unit (hTERT) were associated with the degree of T cells differentiation. Most likely, the role of glucocorticoid hormones in immunogenesis is mainly the suppression of the excessive growth of T cells and the maintenance of the clonal balance in lymphoid tissue.

dexamethasone, naive T lymphocytes, primed memory T lymphocytes, functional activity, viability, CD25, CD71, IL-2, hTERT