Vol 46(2012) N 2 p. 175-182; K.S. Pougach1,2*, A.V. Lopatina1,2, K.V. Severinov1,2 CRISPR Adaptive Immunity Systems of Prokaryotes 1nstitute of Gene Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119334, Russia2Institute of Molecular Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 123182 Russia *xeniklalt@gmail.com Received - 2011-08-25; Accepted - 2011-10-14 CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) systems were found in the genomes of many eubacteria and the vast majority of archaea. Their unique feature is that CRISPR-mediated immunity is adaptive and can be programmed to protect cells against mobile genetic elements. The review describes the general principles of CRISPR-mediated immunity and characterizes the CRISPR systems of various microorganisms. CRISPR systems, Cas proteins, small RNAs, adaptive immunity |