Vol 52(2018) N 5 p. 648-659; DOI 10.1134/S0026893318050060 A.Yu. Egorshina1, A.V. Zamaraev1, I.N. Lavrik1,2, B.D. Zhivotovsky1,3*, G.S. Kopeina1** Caspase-2 as an Oncosupressor and Metabolism Regulator: What Life Will Bring over the Long Run? 1Faculty of Basic Medicine, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119192 Russia2Medical Faculty, Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg, 39120 Germany 3Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, 17177 Sweden *Boris.Zhivotovsky@ki.se **lirroster@gmail.com Received - 2018-02-20; Accepted - 2018-03-29 Programmed cell death is governed by a set of gene networks, which define a variety of distinct molecular mechanisms essential for the maintenance of multicellular organisms. The most studied modality of programmed cell death is known as apoptosis. Caspase-2, as a member of the family of the cysteine-dependent protease, demonstrates both proapoptotic and tumor suppressive functions. This protease plays an essential role in the maintenance of genomic stability and induces apoptotic cell death in response to geno-toxic stress. Here we discuss the molecular mechanisms of caspase-2 regulation and its physiological role as a tumor suppressor and metabolic regulator. apoptosis, caspase-2, tumor suppressor, metabolism |