Vol 52(2018) N 4 p. 514-519; DOI 10.1134/S0026893318040192 A.V. Zyablitsin1, A.A. Dmitriev1, G.S. Krasnov1 , N.L. Bolsheva1, T.A. Rozhmina1,2, O.V. Muravenko1, M.S. Fedorova1 , A.V. Snezhkina1 , A.V. Kudryavtseva1, N.V. Melnikova1* CAX3 Gene is Involved in Flax Response to High Soil Acidity and Aluminum Exposure 1Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119991 Russia2All-Russian Research Institute for Flax, Torzhok, 172002 Russia *mnv-4529264@yandex.ru Received - 2017-06-29; Accepted - 2017-11-28 Understanding the molecular mechanisms of plant response to unfavorable conditions is necessary for the effective selection of tolerant genotypes. Earlier, using high-throughput transcriptome sequencing of flax plants after exposure to aluminum ions (Al3+) and high soil acidity, we detected stress-induced alteration in the expression of several genes, including CAX3, which encodes Ca2+/H+-exchanger involved in calcium ion transport. Here we describe CAX3 mRNA levels in flax cultivars either tolerant (Hermes and TMP1919) or sensitive (Lira and Orshanskiy) to Al3+. Stress-induced increased expression of CAX3 was detected only in aluminum-tolerant flax cultivars. The product of CAX3 gene may participate in flax response to high soil acidity and high Al3+ concentration through Ca2+-mediated intracellular regulation. flax, Linum usitatissimum, abiotic stress, high soil acidity, aluminum, CAX3, quantitative PCR |