Vol 52(2018) N 3 p. 419-429; DOI 10.1134/S0026893318030056 B.B. Grigorash, I.I. Suvorova,*, V.A. Pospelov AICAR-Dependent Activation of AMPK Kinase Is Not Accompanied by G1/S Block in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells Institute of Cytology, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 194064 Russia*irsuvorov@yandex.ru Received - 2017-08-17; Accepted - 2017-10-17 Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) have the capacity for self-renewal and pluripotency. Due to high proliferative activity, ESCs use a specific pathway of the formation of ATP molecules, which can lead to the development of the adaptive metabolic response under the conditions of energy deficiency (which is different from the response of differentiated cells). It is known that metabolic signals are integrated with the cell cycle progression; however, the signaling pathways that connect the availability of nutrients with the regulation of cell cycle in ESCs are insufficiently studied. We have studied the effect of the AICAR agent, which imitates an increase in AMP level and induces the activation of the metabolic sensor AMPK, on proliferation, cell cycle distribution, and pluripotency of mouse ESCs (mESCs). It has been demonstrated that cells treated with AICAR do not stop at the control G1/S point of the cell cycle, since they do not accumulate P21/WAF1 (G1/S checkpoint regulator), despite P53 activation. On the contrary, AICAR increases the rate of mESC proliferation, which correlates with increased expression of pluripotency marker genes (OCT3/4, NANOG, SOX2, KLF4, ESRRB, PRDM14). In addition, an increase in the transcription of the HIFlα gene (a key regulator of the cell proliferation and viability, as well as glucose metabolism under stress) was detected. An increase in the expression of glycolytic enzyme genes (LDHA, ALDOA, PCK2, GLUT4) under the effect of AICAR indicates a change in mESC metabolism towards increased glycolysis. Thus, AICAR-dependent AMPK activation as one of possible mechanisms of the mESC adaptive response to the emergence of energetic imbalance is not accompanied by a cell cycle arrest at the G1/S checkpoint, but involves the processes of increasing glycolytic activity. embryonic stem cells, AMPK, AICAR, P53-P21/WAF1, G1/S checkpoint, cell cycle, differentiation, pluripotency, metabolism |