Vol 51(2017) N 6 p. 769-771; DOI 10.1134/S0026893317060085 D.V. Kuprash1,2, F.Yu. Garib2,3,4, S.A. Nedospasov1,2* Antibody-Based Drugs and Other Recombinant Proteins for Diagnostics and Therapy of Viral Infections, Autoimmune Diseases and Cancer 1Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119991 Russia2Department of Immunology, Biological Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991 Russia 3Department of Immunology, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Moscow, 123995 Russia 4Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical Institute, Moscow, 119991 Russia *sergei.nedospasov@gmail.com Received - 2017-07-25; Accepted - 2017-07-25 Immunoglobulins, catalytic antibodies, chimeric antigenic receptors, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, targeted delivery |