Vol 47(2013) N 6 p. 769-775; T.E. Kononova*, O.I. Urazova, V.V. Novitsky, E.G. Churina Regulation of Antibacterial (Antitubercular) Immunity Mediated by T-Helper Type-17 Lymphocytes Siberian State Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Tomsk, Russia*kononova.te@gmail.com Received - 2013-02-22; Accepted - 2013-05-15 An analysis of the current views on the functional and immunoregulatory role of T-helper type-17 lymphocytes (Thl7) in the anti-infectious immune response, in particular in the development of the protective immune reactions to intracellular pathogens is presented. Special attention is paid to the participation of these lymphocytes and the cytokines produced by them in immune response to the invasion of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The molecular mechanisms, underlying the predominant development of Th17 lymphocytes and/or regulatory T cells (Treg) with the evaluation of the interconnection of these cell subpopulations in the formation of an immune imbalance in infectious pathology are studied. Th17 lymphocytes, cytokines, transcription factors, Treg, anti-tubercular immunity |