2023  1,500
2022  1,200
2021  1,540
2020  1,374
2019  1,023
2018  0,932
2017  0,977
2016  0,799
2015  0,662
2014  0,740
2013  0,739
2012  0,637
2011  0,658
2010  0,654
2009  0,570
2008  0,849
2007  0,805
2006  0,330
2005  0,435
2004  0,623
2003  0,567
2002  0,641
2001  0,490
2000  0,477
1999  0,762
1998  0,785
1997  0,507
1996  0,518
1995  0,502
Vol 44(2010) N 2 p. 228-232;
A.G. Nikitin1, E.Y. Lavrikova1, Y.A. Seregin1, L.I. Zilberman2, N.M. Tsitlidze2, T.L. Kurayeva2, V.A. Peterkova2, I.I. Dedov2, V.V. Nosikov1*

Association of the Polymorphisms OF THE ERBB3 AND SH2B3 Genes with Type 1 Diabetes

1State Research Center GosNIIgenetika, Moscow, 117545, Russia
2Scientific Center of Endocrinology, Moscow, 117036, Russia

Received - 2009-08-24; Accepted - 2009-09-29

To study the association with diabetes mellitus type 1, we analyzed the distribution of allele and genotype frequencies of polymorphic marker rs2292239 of ERBB3 gene, encoding epidermal growth factor receptor type 3 and polymorphic marker rs3184504 of SH2B3 gene, encoding adaptor protein LNK. The study included groups of T1DM patients and unrelated controls of Russian origin. Genotyping was performed using RFLP and real-time amplification methods. No statistically significant association with type 1 diabetes was found for the polymorphic marker rs2292239 of ERBB3, while the analysis of the distribution of allele and genotype frequencies of the polymorphic marker rs3184504 of SH2B3 gene revealed the association with T1DM in the Russian population.

type 1 diabetes mellitus, polymorphic markers rs2292239 of ERBB3 gene and rs3184504 of the SH2B3 gene, functional polymorphism Trp262Arg