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Vol 48(2014) N 2 p. 297-300; DOI 10.1134/S0026893314020150 Full Text

M.M. Prokofjeva1, N.N. Orlova1,2, A.S. Gornostaeva1,2, A.A. Shulgin1,2, N.A. Nikitenko1, V.N. Senchenko1, T.D. Lebedev1, P.V. Spirin1, K. Riecken3, B. Fehse3, C. Stocking3, V.S. Prassolov1,2*

Universal Modular System for in vitro Screening of Potential Inhibitors of HIV-1 Replication

1Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119991, Russia
2Moscow Physico-Technical Institute, Dolgoprudnyi, Moscow Region, 141700, Russia
3University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Research Dept. Cell & Gene Therapy, Hamburg, D-20246, Germany
4Heinrich-Pette-Institute for Experimental Virology and Immunology, Hamburg, D-20251, Germany

Received - 2013-10-09; Accepted - 2013-10-14

A system based on recombinant lentiviral vectors has been designed for safe screening of potential anti-HIV drugs. The system can be used to evaluate the sensitivity of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase and integrase (wild-type as well as mutant forms of these enzymes detected in drug-resistant virus isolates) to different drugs and substances, as well as to screen inhibitors of other stages of the HIV-1 life cycle.

HIV, pseudo-HIV-1 particles, reverse transcriptase, nucleoside inhibitors, non-nucleoside inhibitors, integrase inhibitors, sulfated polysaccharides