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Vol 50(2016) N 3 p. 462-469; DOI 10.1134/S0026893316030146 Full Text

W.-Y. Zheng, W.-X. Zheng, L. Hua*

Detecting shared pathways linked to rheumatoid arthritis with other autoimmune diseases in a in silico analysis

College of Biomedical Engineering, Capital Medical University, Beijing, 100069, PR China

Received - 2015-05-25; Accepted - 2015-08-12

Pathway-based analysis approach has exploded in use during the last several years. It is successful in recognizing additional biological insight of disease and finding groupings of risk genes that represent disease developing processes. Therefore, shared pathways, with pleiotropic effects, are important for understanding similar pathogenesis and indicating the common genetic origin of certain diseases. Here, we present a pathway analysis to reveal the potential disease associations between RA and three potential RA-related autoimmune diseases: psoriasis, diabetes mellitus, type 1 (T1D) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). First, a comprehensive knowledge mining of public databases is performed to discover risk genes associated with RA, T1D, SLE and psoriasis; then by enrichment test of these genes, disease-related risk pathways are detected to recognize the pathways common for RA and three other diseases. Finally, the underlying disease associations are evaluated with the association rules mining method. In total, we identify multiple RA risk pathways with significant pleiotropic effects, the most unsurprising of which are the immunology related pathways. Meanwhile for the first time we highlight the involvement of the viral myocarditis pathway related to cardiovascular disease (CVD) in autoimmune diseases such as RA, psoriasis, T1D and SLE. Further Association rule mining results validate the strong association between RA and T1D and RA and SLE. It is clear that pleiotropy is a common property of pathways associated with disease traits. We provide novel pathway associations among RA and three autoimmune diseases. These results ascertain that there are shared genetic risk profiles that predispose individuals to autoimmune diseases.

rheumatoid arthritis, pathways, association rules, share