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Vol 47(2013) N 4 p. 559-571;
N.I. Grineva*, T.V. Akhlynina, A.M. Timofeev, L.P. Gerasimova, D.A. Shmarov, N.M. Nydenova, T.E. Manakova, T.G. Sarycheva, L.G. Kovaleva

Apoptosis and Neutrophils in the Regulation of Ph-Positive Myeloid Cell Proliferation and Differentiation ex vivo

Hematology Research Center, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, 125167 Russia

Received - 2013-02-20; Accepted - 2013-03-02

Ex vivo proliferation and differentiation of Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph+) human myeloid cells (Ph+ cells) from chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) proceed via alternation stages of cell proliferation and neutrophil maturation. To regulate them, apoptosis is alternately blocked or induced with the help of neutrophils and expression of bcr/abl, bax, and bcl2. The regulation of apoptosis in main types of Ph+ cells depends on the alternation of (1) Ph+ cell proliferation and (2) neutrophil maturation and may follow two pathways. One consists in alternating blockages and inductions of apoptosis with initial maturation and subsequent proliferation under alternation stages as (2)-(1)-(2) and has not been described as yet. Neutrophil accumulation blocks apoptosis. As neutrophils are depleted, apoptosis is induced again. Its block accelerates proliferation with a new accumulation of neutrophils, which is followed by regular neutrophil death and a new induction of apoptosis. The way optimizes the proliferation efficiency (P/D index) with a regular alternation of maturation and proliferation, allowing the cycle of proliferation and differentiation to be completed. In another way, the alternation starts with proliferation as (1)-(2)-(1) at a lower neutrophil content) and leads to resistant decrease of the maximal apoptosis level by a factor of 3-8 as compared with (2)-(1)-(2) alternation. A stable block of apoptosis is observed in cells with prolonged stages of proliferation and maturation, leading to an accumulation of blasts and myelocytes with elevated bcr/abl expression and expression of bcl2 > bax. A stable block of apoptosis is associated with CML progression and in Ph+ cell lines. Cells follow the first pathway of the apoptotic regulation in chronic-phase CML. Ex vivo cultivation of Ph+ cells from individual CML patients was assumed to provide for a more exact diagnosis of the CML phase and optimizing the treatment.

apoptosis, differentiation, myeloid cells, proliferation, chronic myeloid leukemia, ex vivo expression, Ph+ granulocytes, Philadelphia chromosome