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Vol 42(2008) N 6 p. 906-910;
V.Yu. Kotova, I.V. Manukhov, O.E. Melkina, G.B. Zavilgelsky

Mutation clp A::kan of the gene for an Hsp100 family chaperone impairs the DnaK-dependent refolding of proteins in Escherichia coli

State Research Center GosNIIgenetika, Moscow, 117545, Russia
Received - 2008-03-06; Accepted - 2008-05-15

The rate and level of DnaK-dependent refolding of heat-inactivated Vibrio fischeri luciferase in the clp A mutant (clp A:: kan) were considerably lower then in wild-type cells. The decline in refolding level progressed with increasing heat inactivation time. A mutation of clp P had no influence on the kinetics and level of luciferase refolding. Approximately equal amounts of the DnaKJE chaperone were synthesized upon heat shock induction in E. coli clp A+ and E. coli clpA:: kan cells. It was assumed that, like homologous chaperone ClpB, ClpA is involved in disaggregation of denatured proteins, increasing the refolding efficiency. This in vivo phenomenon occurred only upon a prolonged incubation of cells at a higher temperature, which led to the formation of large protein aggregates that were poorly refoldable by the DnaKJE system.

Chaperone, DnaK, ClpA, ClpB, refolding, luciferase