2023  1,500
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2018  0,932
2017  0,977
2016  0,799
2015  0,662
2014  0,740
2013  0,739
2012  0,637
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2008  0,849
2007  0,805
2006  0,330
2005  0,435
2004  0,623
2003  0,567
2002  0,641
2001  0,490
2000  0,477
1999  0,762
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1996  0,518
1995  0,502
Vol 42(2008) N 4 p. 641-646;
I.Z. Mamedov, A.L. Amosova, G.Yu. Fisunov, Yu.B. Lebedev

A new polymorphic retroelement database (PRED) for the human genome

Shemyakin and Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 117997, Russia
Received - 2008-02-01; Accepted - 2008-03-04

Comparison of primate genomic sequences has demonstrated that the intra-and interspecific genetic variation is provided by retroelements (REs). The human genome contains many thousands of polymorphic RE copies, which are regarded as a promising source of new generation molecular genetic markers. However, the absence of systematized data on the RE number, distribution, genomic context, and abundance in various human populations limits the use of RE insertion polymorphism. We designed the first bilingual (Russian/English) web resource on the known polymorphic REs discovered both by our team and other researchers. The database contains the information about the genomic location of each RE, its position relative to known and predicted genes, abundance in human populations, and other data. Our web portal ( allows a search of the database with user-specified parameters. The database makes it possible to most comprehensively analyze the RE distribution in the human genome and to design molecular genetic markers for studies of human genome diversity and biomedical applications.

Retroelements, human genome, insertion polymorphism, molecular genetic markers, databases