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Vol 49(2015) N 6 p. 848-851; DOI 10.1134/S0026893315060102 Full Text

F. Jafary1,2, Z. Nadeali3, M. Salehi4, M. Hosseinzadeh3, M. Sedghi1,3, T. Gholamrezapour3, N. Nouri1,3*

Significant association between nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate and IRF6rs2235371 polymorphism in Iranian familiar population

1Pediatric Inherited Disease Research Center (PIDRC), Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
2Young Researchers and Elite Club, Falavarjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
3Medical Genetics Laboratory, Alzahra University Hospital, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
4Department of Genetics and Molecular Biology, Medical School, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

Received - 2015-02-14; Accepted - 2015-03-03

According to previous studies the IRF6rs2235371 polymorphism is a risk factor for NSCL/P in different populations. However our recent study revealed no correlation between IRF6rs642961 and NSCL/P in our population. In the present study we have investigated the relationship between IRF6rs2235371 and NSCL/P in same group to determine whether IRF6rs2235371 is a risk factor in our population as well. We analyzed the IRF6rs2235371 genotype in a subset of the Iranian population using the Polymerase Chain Reaction technique. The PCR products were digested with DpnII. Chi-square test was applied to analyze the obtained result. The patients were supplied by the Cleft Lip and Palate Clinic of the Isfahan University of Medical Science. A clinician ascertained the non-syndromic status of all patients and that no clefting drugs, ethanol or smoking were abused during pregnancy. The control group was selected from unaffected subjects with no history of NSCL/P in their families. 107 patients from 107 Iranian unrelated families and 100 controls were screened. There was a significant association between the IRF6rs2235371 genotype sand an increased NSCL/P risk. Our data indicates that the IRF6rs2235371 variation can increase the risk of NSCL/P in the Iranian population. This result is in contrast with the results of our recent study on the correlation between the IRF6rs642961 polymorphism and NSCL/P in the same group.

cleft lip, cleft palate, polymorphism, IRF6