Vol 47(2013) N 1 p. 105-111; A.V. Panov1*, O.V. Volkova1, I.F. Puntus1, T.Z. Esikova1, I.A. Kosheleva1,2, A.M. Boronin1,2 scpA, a New Salicylate Hydroxylase Gene Localized in Salicylate/Caprolactam Degradation Plasmids 1Skryabin Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow region, 142290 Russia2Pushchino State Educational Institute of Natural Sciences, Pushchino, 142290 Russia *panov_a_v@inbox.ru Received - 2012-05-25; Accepted - 2012-07-05 Both caprolactams and salicylate biodegradation by Pseudomonas salicylate/caprolactam degraders are controlled by large conjugative plasmids (SAL/CAP). Some of these plasmids have been assigned to the P-7 incompatibility group. The new salicylate 1-hydroxylase gene (scpA) has been detected in SAL/CAP plasmids and partially sequenced. The scpA gene was equally related to the closest homolog genes nahG (NAH7), salA (P. reinekei MT1), and nahU (pND6-1); however, the identity rate did not exceed 72-74%. The synthesis of salicylate 1-hydroxylase ScpA was not induced by salicylate. This enzyme had wide substrate specificity and exhibited the highest specific activity toward 4-methylsalicylate and nonsubstituted salicylate substrates. Furthermore, conjugative pseudomonads' plasmids of salicylate degradation without the classical nah2 operon, which harbors only salicylate 1-hydroxylase gene nahU have been described for the first time. salicylate 1-hydroxylase, caprolactam, Pseudomonas, plasmid, nahU gene, and scpA gene |