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Vol 47(2013) N 1 p. 105-111;
A.V. Panov1*, O.V. Volkova1, I.F. Puntus1, T.Z. Esikova1, I.A. Kosheleva1,2, A.M. Boronin1,2

scpA, a New Salicylate Hydroxylase Gene Localized in Salicylate/Caprolactam Degradation Plasmids

1Skryabin Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow region, 142290 Russia
2Pushchino State Educational Institute of Natural Sciences, Pushchino, 142290 Russia

Received - 2012-05-25; Accepted - 2012-07-05

Both caprolactams and salicylate biodegradation by Pseudomonas salicylate/caprolactam degraders are controlled by large conjugative plasmids (SAL/CAP). Some of these plasmids have been assigned to the P-7 incompatibility group. The new salicylate 1-hydroxylase gene (scpA) has been detected in SAL/CAP plasmids and partially sequenced. The scpA gene was equally related to the closest homolog genes nahG (NAH7), salA (P. reinekei MT1), and nahU (pND6-1); however, the identity rate did not exceed 72-74%. The synthesis of salicylate 1-hydroxylase ScpA was not induced by salicylate. This enzyme had wide substrate specificity and exhibited the highest specific activity toward 4-methylsalicylate and nonsubstituted salicylate substrates. Furthermore, conjugative pseudomonads' plasmids of salicylate degradation without the classical nah2 operon, which harbors only salicylate 1-hydroxylase gene nahU have been described for the first time.

salicylate 1-hydroxylase, caprolactam, Pseudomonas, plasmid, nahU gene, and scpA gene