General Problems of Molecular Biology
173-186 A.G. Zaraisky "Neural induction: New achievements and prospects"
187-202 P.A. Kamenski, E.N. Vinogradova, I.A. Krasheninnikov, I.A. Tarassov "Directed import of macromolecules into mitochondria"
203-213 M.B. Evgen'ev "Mobile elements and genome evolution"
RNA and Proteins
214-226 J.A. Makarova, D.A. Kramerov "Small nucleolar RNA"
227-239 R. Aphasizhev "RNA editing"
240-249 G. Yusupova, L. Jenner, M. Yusupov "Messenger RNA movement on the ribosome"
250-261 A.B. Chetverin, E.V. Chetverina "Scientific and practical applications of molecular colonies"
262-277 I.N. Serdyuk "Structured proteins and proteins with intrinsic disorder"
278-293 P.L. Starokadomskyy "Protein splicing"
Molecular Medicine
294-307 A.P. Grigorenko, E.I. Rogaev "Molecular basis of Alzheimer's disease"
308-315 A.B. Vishnevskaya, V.V. Kushnirov, M.D. Ter-Avanesyan "Neurodegenerative amyloidoses: Yeast model"
316-328 S.A. Nedospasov, D.V. Kuprash "Oncoimmunology: Some fundamental problems of cancer immunotherapy"
329-339 B.P. Kopnin "Genome instability and oncogenesis"