1-4 D.L. Zybina, K.S. Volokitina, K.E. Kruglyakova, and N.M. Emanuel' "Kinetic Characteristics of the Chemiluminescence Produced in the Reaction of DNA with N-Acetylethyleneimine"
5-11 Yu.A. Vladimirov, G.E. Dobretsov, and T.A. Borshchevskaya "The Luminescence of Histones in Aqueous Solutions"
12-21 G.P. Georgiev "A Hypothesis Regarding the Structural Organization of the Operon and Regulation of RNA Synthesis in the Animal Cell"
22-27 A.M. Belikova, T.E. Vakhrusheva, V.V. Vlasov, N.I. Grineva, V.F. Zarytova, D.G. Knorre, and N.M. Teplova "The Interaction of Transfer RNA with 4-(N-2-Chloroethyl-N-methylamino)-benzaldehyde Acetals of Uridine and Uridine-5'-methylphosphate"
28-33 V.G. Likhoded, T.B. Padalko, A.S. Saenko, and Yu.D. Tolcheev "Role of the Synthesis of Protein in the UV Induction of El Colicinogenic Factor in E. coli"
34-38 A.S. Girshovich, M.A. Grachev, and T.A. Chimitova "The Chemical Modification of Guanylyl(3' -5')cytidine by N-Cyclohexyl-N'β(4-methylmorpholino)ethylcarbodiimide: Influence of the Modification of the Stability of the Phosphodiester Bond to the Action of Guanylribonuclease from Actinomycetes"
39-46 B.P. Atanasov "Effect of Heme - Ligand Interaction on Mac restructure of Myoglobin. 2. Investigation of Unfolding of Myoglobin Derivatives in Urea Solutions by Measuring Changes in Molecular Size"
47-52 V.A. Korzhov "Inhibition of Lysyl-tRNA-Synthetase of Bakers' Yeast by tRNA Oxidized by Periodate"
53-57 B.A. Fedorov "Study of Tobacco Mosaic Virus Structure by Small-Angle X-Ray Diffusion Scatter"
58-73 A.D. Mirzabekov, V.D. Aksel'rod, T.V. Venkstern, L.Li, A.I. Krutilina, and A.A. Baev "Primary Structure of Valine Transport RNA 1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 3. Reconstruction of the Molecule"
74-84 A.I. Krutilina, A.D. Mirzabekov, T.V. Venkstern, and A.A. Baev "Primary Structure and Physicochemical Properties of Valine Transfer RNA 3 of Bakers' Yeast"
85-91 V.B. Sklyadneva, N.P. Kiseleva, E.I. Budovskii, and T.I. Tikhonenko "Reaction between O-Methylhydroxylamine and Free and bitraphage DNA"
92-99 E.I. Ramm, T.M. Birshtein, I.A. Bolotina, M.V. Vol'kenshtein, V.I. Vorob'ev, L.V. Dmitrenko, and T.N. Nekrasova "Investigation of Histone Structure"
100-105 L.P. Tikhomirova "Effect of Incorporation of 5-Bromodeoxyuridine into Phage sd DNA on the Lethal and Mutagenic Effects of UV Radiation"
106-110 I.V. Berestetskaya, Yu.N. Kosaganov, Yu.S. Lazurkin, E.N. Trifonov, and M.D. Frank-Kamenetskii "Melting of DNA with Secondary-Structure Defects"
111-118 Zh.G. Shmerling, N.I. Borisova, and Ya.M. Rozovskii "Synthesis of RNA of Rat-Liver Mitochondrial DNA by RNA Polymerase from Escherichia coli"